Ham Radio - The 2-meter twin lead J-pole antenna. | QRZ Forums
Oct 20, 2019 · Ham Radio - The 2-meter twin lead J-pole antenna. KB7TBT, Oct 20, 2019 #1. KK5R, KM6SIK and K3FIL like this.
Ham Radio - The 2-meter twin lead J-pole antenna. - QRZ Forums
Oct 20, 2019 · I,have owned 2- of these copper J-Pole antennas dual band 144/450,MHZ, they work great, My first one was on a tower ,back in,Ohio I,painted it white,with a, non- lead paint,I,bought my ,J-Pole from ,KB9VBR,he makes these ,and other antennas also which are made from copper, which is great you put it up on a mast pipe and forget it,.I,had A ,1.1 swr reading on ,2 -Meter at the time I had a,I ...
New End-Fed MFJ-1982lp 80-10m Overview and On-Air Test
Sep 2, 2017 · I've had my MFJ 949e tuner for over 15 years and it still works well. With my faithful home-brew 40 meter folded dipole that's constructed and fed with 300 ohm twin-lead, it terminates into an MFJ balun and from there RG-8X coax. Like the MFJ tuner, the balum is a …
ZS6BKW Antenna Review: 1000 QSOs later... - QRZ Forums
Dec 20, 2020 · It has been a no brainer for me the maximum distance spread I could get was 95 feet from a tree 60 feet high to a pole 20 feet high, a big sloper next to a massive redwood but still gets out and tunes fine with the LDG 600 remote tuner via a DX Engineering 1:1 balun plus I did put a 250 pf of door knob capacitors in series out of the balun to tune 80, works great, Geoff
160 Meters Inverted L Project - Small town lot antenna
Dec 25, 2020 · Check out my new 1/4 wave "L" for top-band, with 1:1 choke and static discharge resistor network. [MEDIA] Matt KB9YOJ
Ham Radio - An end fed folded dipole experiment. Part 1 ... - QRZ …
Jul 7, 2019 · Now if you're talking about shorting the feed feed "end" of the transmission line, I.E. like using a piece of parallel transmission line as an end fed antenna, using a single wire feed to both wires of the "twin-lead" That might be different but probably not much different than a single end fed wire. Regards, Rick
Full wave 80m horizontal loop install - QRZ Forums
Jun 20, 2021 · Hi Julian, Full-wave loops (aka Sky loops) are my antenna of choice; Simple. Cheap. Reliable. Multi-Band - non-WARC bands without an AMU.
Ham Radio - An end fed half wave antenna with built in …
Aug 28, 2019 · Version of that in an RSGB antenna book 50' long with 25' counterpoise made with speaker wire and a toroid wrapped at the end, the speakerwire goes straight into a tuner, covers 40-10, a half size covers 20-6.
How to cut and tune EFHW antenna for 10 - 40 | Page 2 - QRZ …
Jul 13, 2023 · I also recall that PowerPole connector pairs will match the spacing on 300 ohm twin lead, but check my math on that before diving in since it is possible I recall incorrectly. I bring that up to drive ideas for anyone considering an antenna project involving 300 ohm twin lead.
New Study Guide for Technician / General / Extra Tests
Oct 4, 2016 · Like you I had A lot of very good Elmers. Can your class construct A simple dipole antenna out of A box of random wire and pvc, maybe some 300 ohm tv twin lead. I would be interested in finding out. Extra Class questions asks about how to find the frequency of A coil(#14 wire wound 22 times around A 3 inch form) ?