055 Large Destroyer Thread II | Page 25 - Sino Defence Forum
Sep 10, 2022 · The SPY-6 that is actually being fitted to Burke III is only "marginally adequate" at "SPY+15". Type 055's radar may well be larger and more powerful than SPY-6, but it is unlikely to match the notional requirement identified by USN some fifteen years ago. Even the Zumwalt hull/powerplant was only identified as being compatible with a "SPY+25 ...
New dreadnought race - cruiser sized destroyers
Nov 10, 2020 · A Burke IIA destroyer displaces virtually the same as a Ticonderoga "cruiser," and capability and size and role aren't even inherently linked anymore for modern surface combatants as far as differentiation of a "destroyer" and "cruiser" goes. Zumwalt and 055 at this stage are still the outliers, and of the two 055 is the only one that has been ...
052/052B Class Destroyers | Page 304 - Sino Defence Forum
Sep 16, 2006 · re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer +1 If we are following the previous launch pattern, these modules should be for D5, and D4 should already be under construction in the building hall that D2 occupied. However, these modules may indeed e D4 if we account for 055 which we are all being told JNCX is retooling itself for.
052C/052D Class Destroyers - Page 39 | Sino Defence Forum
Mar 14, 2014 · From Marine Forum Daily News, Aug. 15: Daily News 14 August CHINA (#China) Interview on state TV: China is planning to build a total of 12 Type 052D missile destroyers … eventually construct larger destroyers with displacement of over 10,000 tonnes. (rmks: the latter most probably...
055 Large Destroyer Thread II | Page 22 - Sino Defence Forum
Sep 10, 2022 · Combined with the difference between the full displacement and capabilities of the 052D/DL and 055, I believe there are still ample spaces for the tier of medium destroyers like the 052D to expand into, well before role-overlapping and increasing costs would come to justify the total abandonment of the "medium destroyers" in favor of pursuing ...
055 DDG Large Destroyer Thread - Sino Defence Forum
Jul 8, 2013 · If you believe in opinion 1) then you probably believe the PLA-navy should build a total of 16 Type-055 cruisers and "call it a day". If you believe in opinion 2) then building maybe even 40 Type-055 cruisers is an idea that should be given serious consideration. BTW I …
055 DDG Large Destroyer Thread | Page 814 | Sino Defence Forum …
Jul 8, 2013 · "In December 2019, China launched the sixth Renhai class cruiser (Type 055) and was set to commission the first hull of the class in early 2020. The Renhai carry a large load out of weapons including ASCMs, surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and anti-submarine weapons along...
055 DDG Large Destroyer Thread | Page 501 | Sino Defence Forum …
Jul 8, 2013 · I think by all accounts and purpose Type 055 is a cruiser regardless of its classification
055 DDG Large Destroyer Thread - Sino Defence Forum
Jul 8, 2013 · the one advantage Type 055 will have other large destroyers is the railgun railgun is what will define the Type 055 not the VLS Reactions: Bellum_Romanum and Skye_ZTZ_113
055 Large Destroyer Thread II - Page 26 | Sino Defence Forum
Sep 10, 2022 · If you want to compare Russian 1144 ships with 055 you have to start with historic perspective. 1144 started in the 60s as nuclear ASuW destroyer of some 10 kT displacement. In 70's it was merged with 1165 project of nuclear anti-carrier cruiser and the final project gained displacement over 20 kT.