We Teach UC | AFT Stateweb
UC-AFT is fighting to strengthen job stability and provide career pathways for all teaching faculty; to improve wages and benefits so that all teaching faculty have access to healthcare and can …
UC Librarians - UC-AFT
UC-AFT Unit 17 represents hundreds of librarians across all ten University of California campuses
Contract | UCnet
American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
Contract - UCnet
Apr 1, 2019 · American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Contract for the Professional Librarians Unit (LX) between the University of California and the American Federation of Teachers. Effective …
University Council-AFT, California - American Federation of …
University Council-AFT, representing non-senate faculty and librarians on all campuses of the University of California, has taken to heart the undeniable value of personal connection, hitting …
Who We Are - UC-AFT - UC Librarians
UC-AFT represents academic librarians working at the University of California. Our members include archivists, cataloguers, instructional librarians, system librarians, data scientists, and …
Facts about UC lecturers and UC’s contract negotiations with the UC-AFT …
Our current proposal to the UC-AFT builds off of and strengthens our support for our lecturers in a way that reflects our shared values. For more than two years, UC has bargained in good faith …
Strike averted with groundbreaking adjunct contract in California
Nov 18, 2021 · But it’s not just UC-AFT members who stand to benefit. This contract addresses crucial issues that universally plague adjunct professors—those faculty who work on part-time, …
Take Action - UC-AFT
Support UC Librarians! It’s important to take action and be actively involved in the union, whether you are a UC-AFT member or an ally who wishes to show support and solidarity. This page …
The University and UC-AFT are jointly committed to promoting and maintaining a 6 work environment that is healthy and free of Abusive Conduct, in which every