The Bogs of Britain, from 'godforsaken wasteland full of dangers' …
Oct 10, 2020 · With fens excluded, Britain’s active bogs amount to about 8,880 square miles — or 9.5% of the entire UK land area. Include drained and degraded bogs and that figure rises to between 17,760 and 29,730 square miles or 9%-15% of Europe’s total peatland area.
List of bogs - Wikipedia
Luhasoo bog in Estonia. The mire has tussocks of heather, and is being colonised by pine trees. This is a list of bogs, wetland mires that accumulate peat from dead plant material, usually sphagnum moss. [1] .
List of bog bodies - Wikipedia
Bog bodies, or bog people, are the naturally preserved corpses of humans and some animals recovered from peat bogs. The bodies have been most commonly found in the northern European countries of Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Ireland.
British Slang That Will Confuse Anybody Who Didn't Grow up in the UK ...
Nov 3, 2017 · Every language has a few phrases that don't always translate well — and the British English has some absolute corkers. The team at the Business Insider UK office have compiled a list of the...
Lindow Man - Wikipedia
Lindow Man, also known as Lindow II and (in jest) as Pete Marsh, is the preserved bog body of a man discovered in a peat bog at Lindow Moss near Wilmslow in Cheshire, North West England. The remains were found on 1 August 1984 by commercial peat cutters.
Peat bogs - WWT
Peatlands like blanket bogs, raised bogs, quaking bogs and fens are an important part of the UK's landscape and support many endemic species, as well as storing carbon. Explore the magical and beautiful world of peat bogs.
bog body - British Museum
Lindow Man is a well-preserved human body found in a peat-bog at Lindow Moss, near Manchester, in 1984. He died a violent death, sustaining many injuries before he was placed face down in a pool in the bog.
UK Peatlands | IUCN UK Peatland Programme
There are three broad peatland types in the UK: Blanket bog, raised bog and fen. Bogs develop in cool wet oceanic climates and are fed only by rainwater (ombrotrophic) so are nutrient-poor and acidic.
Boggy facts and figures - Moors for the Future
There are three main types of peatlands in the UK: blanket bog, raised bog and fenland. Peat is the single biggest store of carbon in the UK, storing the equivalent of 20 years of all UK CO 2 emissions and keeping it out of the atmosphere. Fascinating facts about blanket bogs and the wildlife that is found there. Moors for the Future.
Bogs - Wildlife Watch
In the UK we have lots of blanket bogs. Globally they are very rare but with our wet climate, they cover many areas across northern England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The UK also had many lowland raised bogs.
Bellaghy bog body: Ancient remains of woman may have been …
Feb 20, 2025 · Ms Baker said it showed "that the individual had been intentionally decapitated at the bog". ... The museum has brought together a range of experts from across the UK and Egypt to discuss Takabuti ...
mineral soils, causes waterlogging. Fens are more widespread in the UK lowlands and are thus more familiar to many people, but are often mistakenly referred to as ‘bogs�. despite being fed by groundwater. The water entering a bog contains only those nutrients found in …
Bogs: The Flora in the UK - Flora and Fauna of the UK
Nov 5, 2024 · Bogs are unique wetland ecosystems in the UK, primarily formed in areas with poor drainage, acidic soils, and low-nutrient conditions. They are distinguished by their waterlogged, spongy peat soils, which are created from the accumulation of decomposed plant material over thousands of years.
Top 10 Archaeological Finds from Scotland’s Peat Bogs
From a 3,000-year-old hat to precious offerings to the gods, dig into our top archaeological finds from peat in Scotland. What is Peat? Peat is a soggy, mud-coloured substance made of built-up, partially decayed plants or other organic matter. It’s unique to natural areas called peatlands, bogs, mires, moors, or muskegs.
Blanket bogs, a natural asset – Natural England
Nov 4, 2020 · This blog explains our approach to peat in upland blanket bog, which can be defined as areas of peat that have formed across the landscapes in upland areas where the climate is cool and wet. It...
Bog - How to Rewild
A bog is a raised feature, sitting above the water table, which means its only input of moisture comes from rain (contrasted with a Fen, which sits below the water table). This creates a nutrient-poor soil, as minerals from the rocks beneath do not flow into the system.
Protecting peatlands in England
In the UK, at least 80% of peatland habitats have been lost or damaged. Healthy peat bogs act as 'carbon sinks' storing huge amounts of carbon. However, damaged bogs dry out and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, accelerating climate change.
Raised bog - The Wildlife Trusts
Raised bogs are widely but unevenly distributed across wetter parts of the UK, with particular concentrations in the central belt of Scotland, the Solway region, around Morecambe Bay and in Northern Ireland. Within the bog vegetation, look closely for a number of particularly small, attractive plants, including cranberry and bog-rosemary.
What's that lurking in the mist? Inside the eerie science of bogs
Feb 16, 2024 · Bogs are rich in storied horror, and the wetlands of eastern England are no exception. The phantom lights of the will o’ the wisp; the devil-dog Black Shuck lurking in the mist; strange rings where...
Peat bogs: windows to the past - National Trust for Scotland
Jul 24, 2020 · The bad news is that 80% of the peatlands in the UK have been degraded by drainage, afforestation, burning and peat extraction. Given the implications and projected cost of climate change, continued damage to peatland must cease.