Home - Poacher International Jamboree 2026
Bring your group to Poacher 2026, and they’re in store for a week of fun, friendship and adventure. Scouts and Guides from all over the globe aged 10-17 inclusive can attend Poacher as a participant, and discover our diverse programme.
There is a focus on tackling the six UK Wildlife Crime Priorities. Poaching The first four can be loosely described as conservation priorities, while the last two relate to ‘volume crimes’ – that is crime that is reported regularly and in significant volumes across the UK.
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Poaching and rural crime - BASC
Enforcement – with good intelligence the police can target poachers through the various rural and poaching based operations run throughout England and Wales; Reassurance – by working together and by publicising resulting actions such as activity, arrests, seizures and convictions.
Poacher Alert UK
Thousands of wild animals, including deer, birds of prey, badgers and hare, are killed illegally every year in the UK, often through cruel methods. We have an opportunity to stop wildlife crime by improving reporting and enforcement. The Poacher Alert App allows witnesses of suspected poaching activities to report and log an incident.
Poaching and Wildlife Crime - The British Deer Society
Poachers have little regard for the deer or the law often employing cruel and illegal methods, and leaving wounded or orphaned animals behind them. These criminals can leave the public, farmers and landowners feeling scared and intimidated.
Poaching (Deer and Fish) and Hare Coursing - NWCU
Project Poacher is made up of two key elements; advice and support for law enforcers and a free, easy to use app for reporting poaching incidents. The app is available to download at www.projectpoacher.com. Project Poacher will continue to coordinate action …
The dark and depressing world of British poaching - Animalogic
In the UK, poaching is classed as a wildlife crime and is defined as killing or taking a bird, mammal or fish without legal right or consent from the landowner. Deer, fish, especially carp, salmon and trout, and hares are the most commonly poached animals, while game birds including pheasant and grouse, and rare species such as freshwater ...
Project Poacher App
Project Poacher is the official app for the National Wildlife Crime Unit initiative which aims to tackle poaching offences across the UK.
LANCASHIRE POLICE - Lancashire Constabulary
Poaching is not the quaint picture of the past of days of yore where it is the one man and his dog shooting a rabbit or pheasant for his meal. Poachers now tend to roam in numbers often driving 4x4 motor vehicles, with a number of dogs and weapons.
Introducing... Poacher 2026
Aug 7, 2022 · We are delighted to announce that Poacher 2026 will be returning from 1st - 8th August. We are so excited to see you back at Lincolnshire Showground to have another adventure of a lifetime.
Deer Poaching | Neighbourhood Watch Network
Deer poaching is on the rise across the UK, with as many as 50,000 deer killed illegally each year by poachers. These poachers are normally part of organised criminal gangs (OCGs), who shoot deer at night, either while they are dazed by bright torch lights, or using sophisticated thermal imaging rifle scopes.
Poaching in england with The Last English Poacher
In The Last English Poacher, Brian hunts illegally on private estates, revealing the age-old conflict between common and forest law. The film explores England's changing rural communities and our diminishing connection to the land.
Poaching - BBC News
Aug 21, 2024 · Actress Alia Bhatt, adored by fans in India, is making her mark around the world. All the latest content about Poaching from the BBC.
Poachers will have vehicles crushed, police warn - BBC
Sep 4, 2024 · Poachers travelling to North Yorkshire have been warned by police they could have their vehicles seized and crushed. North Yorkshire Police said extra patrols were in place in rural areas with...
Poachers in the 18th Century - Pen and Pension
Oct 10, 2018 · Much of what we think we know about poachers and poaching in the past derives from the 19th-century. That was when the conflict between the poacher and the game-loving landowner reached its peak, with considerable violence shown on both sides.
James Hawker (poacher) - Wikipedia
James Hawker (baptised 29 August 1836 – 7 August 1921) was an English poacher. [1] He was born in Daventry, Northamptonshire and began poaching as a teenager to gain extra income whilst working as an apprentice bootmaker. [1]
When is Poacher 2026? - faq.poacher.org.uk
When is Poacher 2026? Poacher 2026 Dates. Poacher 2022 will take place from Saturday 1st August 2026 to Saturday 8th August 2026. Groups may arrive from Saturday 1st August 2026 with the Opening Ceremony held in the evening.
1000 years of the English Poacher - thepatons.co.uk
This new production from Peter Hodges and Charlotte Paton will bring to life the history of the poachers, their methods, and the gamekeepers who tried to stop them. There is lovely footage of the grouse moors where lead miners caught grouse to supplement their income.
Amazon.co.uk: Poacher
Judge Everyday Non-Stick Four Cup Egg Poacher, 20cm with Vented Glass Lid and Stay Cool Handle, Aluminium, Teflon