UW Bothell logos - The University of Washington Bothell
The graphic components of UW Bothell’s signature logo system are: university block W logo, university wordmark, logo color palette and wordmark typography. The university block W logo and the university wordmark must appear in logo color palette colors only.
Graphics - The University of Washington Bothell
In this section, you’ll find some of the basic University of Washington Bothell brand assets and links to the University of Washington brand guidelines. We’ve also created a number of templates for your use. Logos and guidelines for UW Bothell and UW logos. Logos and guidelines for schools and other units at UW Bothell.
Brand assets - The University of Washington Bothell
Resources and guidelines for UW Bothell brand graphic assets, such as logos. Guidelines for on-brand photography. Templates for your document, event and presentation needs. In addition …
What is UWB and which Samsung Galaxy phones support it?
Apr 15, 2024 · UWB is short for ultra-wideband, a wireless technology that relies on radio waves to accurately gauge distance between objects. Samsung started offering the radio on its flagships with the...
UWB | Processor | Samsung Semiconductor Global
Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is a short-range wireless communication protocol that operates through high-frequency waves. With unmatched precision in spatial awareness, it instantly …
UW Bothell Logo & Brand Assets (SVG, PNG and vector)
Find the UW Bothell style guide with brand assets such as logos, colors, fonts, and more.
Templates - The University of Washington Bothell - uwbdr.uwb.edu
Business cards Ordering instructions and downloadable UW Bothell backside images
UWB on or off? : r/samsung - Reddit
Apr 9, 2023 · I noticed that my S23+ has the UWB Bluetooth and that it is activated. As far as I'm aware, this functionality is only useful when using smart tags+ in order to locate them accurately. I only have regular smart tags. So I was wondering if there was any benefit if having the UWB active? I can only assume that it uses more battery when on. Thanks!
UWB – Samsung Global Newsroom
[Interview] Meet the Engineers Responsible for the Global Standardization of UWB November 6, 2020
School logos - The University of Washington Bothell
The school logos below are UW Bothell’s basic left signature logo with each school name. If you would like to order an art pack with your school name in all logo variants, you can place your order here.