Ukinrek maars - Wikipedia
The Ukinrek maars (Central Yupik: Ukinrek[2]) are two volcanic craters on the north side of the Aleutian Range in Alaska that were formed by a phreatomagmatic eruption in 1977. The maars are 1.5 km south of Becharof Lake and 12 km northwest of Peulik Volcano, on a low area of the range, bordering the Bering Sea.
Ukinrek Maars - Global Volcanism Program
Ukinrek Maars are two phreatomagmatic explosion craters that were created in an area without previous volcanic activity during a 10-day-long eruption that began on 30 March 1977. A greenish lake fills East Maar, the largest of the two in this 1994 view from the south.
Alaska Volcano Observatory | Ukinrek Maars
From Miller and others (1998): "Ukinrek Maars are a pair of phreatomagmatic explosion vents that formed on a low (less than 100 m high), 4-km-long, ridge in the Bering Sea Lowland 1.5 km south of Becharof Lake and 12 km northwest of Peulik Volcano.
What is a maar? How do they form from phreatic eruptions? - Geology.com
A maar is a volcanic crater that forms when magma contacts groundwater to produce a steam explosion. Ukinrek Maar: Views of East Ukinrek Maar Crater, which formed in April, 1977 during a 10-day eruption. This eruption provided a rare - and the most recent - opportunity for researchers to observe the formation of a maar by volcanic activity.
Maar - Wikipedia
A maar is a broad, low-relief volcanic crater caused by a phreatomagmatic eruption (an explosion which occurs when groundwater comes into contact with hot lava or magma). A maar characteristically fills with water to form a relatively shallow crater lake, which may also be called a …
Linking the Ukinrek 1977 maar-eruption observations to the …
The Ukinrek Maars erupted 30 March to 9 April 1977, forming two maars, a line of small pit craters and a tephra blanket extending to ~2 km from the vents. We combine photographic and written observations with stratigraphic analysis to reconstruct the eruption.
Ukinrek Maars - volcanoes - Alaska Handbook
Ukinrek Maars is a volcanic crater and two maars located in Pilot Point, Alaska. It is with historical eruption and earthquake swarm.
Ukinrek Maars Volcano, United States, Alaska Peninsula - Facts ...
Dec 22, 2021 · Ukinrek Maars are two explosion craters that were created in an area without previous volcanic activity during a 10-day-long phreatomagmatic eruption March-April 1977. The basaltic maars were erupted through glacial deposits in the Bering Sea lowlands 1.5 km south of Becharof Lake and 12 km west of Peulik volcano; their location is related to ...
Report on Ukinrek Maars (United States) — 12 May-18 May 2021
May 18, 2021 · Ukinrek Maars are two explosion craters that were created in an area without previous volcanic activity during a 10-day phreatomagmatic eruption March-April 1977. The basaltic maars were erupted through glacial deposits in the Bering Sea lowlands 1.5 km S of Becharof Lake and 12 km W of Peulik volcano; their location is related to the regional ...
Report on Ukinrek Maars (United States) — April 1977
Ukinrek Maars are two explosion craters that were created in an area without previous volcanic activity during a 10-day phreatomagmatic eruption March-April 1977. The basaltic maars were erupted through glacial deposits in the Bering Sea lowlands 1.5 km S of Becharof Lake and 12 km W of Peulik volcano; their location is related to the regional ...