Ultisol - Wikipedia
Ultisols are the dominant soils in the Southern United States (where the Cecil series is most famous), southeastern China, Southeast Asia, and some other subtropical and tropical areas.
Ultisols - Natural Resources Conservation Service
Udults are the more or less freely drained, relatively humus poor Ultisols that have a udic moisture regime. They are in southern and eastern parts of the country. Most of these soils currently …
Ultisols | Soil & Water Systems | University of Idaho
Ultisols (from Latin ultimus, "last") are strongly leached, acid forest soils with relatively low native fertility. They are found primarily in humid temperate and tropical areas of the world, typically …
Ultisol | Acidic Clay, Iron-Rich & Nutrient-Poor | Britannica
Ultisols are reddish, clay-rich, acidic soils that support a mixed forest vegetation prior to cultivation. They are naturally suitable for forestry, can be made agriculturally productive with …
5.9 - Ultisols | Soil Genesis and Development, Lesson 5 - Soil ...
Ultisols are intensely weathered soils of warm and humid climates. They are typically formed on older geologic locations in parent material that is already extensively weathered. Ultisols have …
Ultisol - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Ultisols (approx. 8% of ice-free land) are strongly weathered soils found in humid and relatively warmer regions of the temperate deciduous forest range, and are distinguished by relatively …
Soil Management
The Ultisols of Maui are very weathered soils. There are two soil series in Maui of agricultural importance which are characteristic.
Ultisols: Properties, Problems, and Land Management Solutions
Oct 3, 2024 · Ultisols are highly weathered soils that are found mainly in humid regions with temperate or tropical climates. They can support productive forests but are acidic and have …
12 Soil Orders in Soil Taxonomy with Their Major Characteristics
Aug 1, 2019 · Ultisols make up about 8% of the world’s ice-free land surface. The soils are in humid areas. They formed from fairly intense weathering and leaching processes.
Ultisols: Characteristics and Impacts on Society - ScienceDirect
Jan 1, 1997 · The central concept of Ultisols is a group of soils with an argillic or kandic horizon and a few basic cations that have developed under forest vegetation in humid climates. The …