The ridiculous amount of Untiered Pokemon : r/stunfisk - Reddit
Aug 9, 2021 · Pokemon like this are generally in lower but defined tiers, while untiered is pretty much the dumping grounds for Pokemon who're truly unusable after power creep. For example, Porygon2 is RU, as while it's a good mono normal bulky utility wall, …
What are some notable Pokémon who are (un)tiered "on a
Mar 17, 2022 · Ditto, Shedinja, Wobbufett, and Gothitelle are probably the most notable Pokémon that are considered Untiered by usage but can have niches in higher tiers I suppose. Specifically, Gothitelle and Wobbufett (and to an extent Dugtrio as well) are used as trappers due their abilities and see usage in Ubers as a result, since Shadow Tag and Arena ...
(Gen 7) What's the Point of the "Untiered" List? Why are ... - Reddit
I been looking thru Gen 7 Older Gen Tiers and found a new Tier I was not aware that's Untiered. Now I understand some Pokemon are completely bad and are not viable ( Regigigas Slaking Dugtrio) Now what shocked was certain Pokemon more notably Altaria, Jynx, Armaldo, and Camerupt and Pyukumuku would have a very good Niche
What's The Point Of Untiered? : r/stunfisk - Reddit
Dec 30, 2021 · Untiered would still be a thing if ZU became official. Did everybody forget why Smogon's tiers are usage-based? In theory if a Pokemon is, say, tiered RU, then you must account for it when building a team for the RU ladder, since that mon shows up often enough. Otherwise even if that mon is very viable in RU you don't have to bother.
Some questions about tiers : r/pokemmo - Reddit
Sep 6, 2021 · Untiered is usually unevolved mons or that barrel of the barrel in terms of weaknesses. The tiers are there so the strong mons need to fight against the strong mons while the sunkerns of the game can be relevant on the lower tiers
Can someone explain to mean wat OU and UU and all tge tiers
Feb 19, 2022 · OU, UU etc. are usage tiers. Everything starts in OU at the beginning of a new generation, at the end of each month usage stats determine what moves up & down. If a mon has less than x% of usage in OU, it drops to UU, and then this process repeats for each tier until it either finds a niche in a low enough tier, or drops to 'untiered'.
What Does The Tier ZU Mean? : r/stunfisk - Reddit
Aug 22, 2021 · r/Tekken is a community-run subreddit for Bandai Namco Entertainment's Tekken franchise. Tekken is a 3D fighting game first released in 1994, with Tekken 8 being the latest instalment. r/Tekken serves as a discussion hub for all things Tekken, from gameplay, fanart, cosplays and lore to competitive strategy and the Tekken esports scene.
Buffing untiered pokemon, part 1 : r/stunfisk - Reddit
Oct 13, 2022 · The untiered is a place full of pokemon that are lacking in some way. Whether they simply have nothing going for them or are just outclassed in every way by another, tiered pokemon, ZU exists to let the worst of the worst fully evolved mons compete. So here's buffs to eight untiered pokemon. Seaking. The original mono-water fish mon.
What are some of your favorite “fun” or untiered decks?
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on Android, iOS and Windows, distributed with Play/App Store & Steam.
I made a Tier List for practically every weapon in the game ... - Reddit
Untiered is again, for those weapons that you don't bother using because they are just so rare/gimmicky to get. You don't get a Slap Hand to use it as a weapon, you use it because you managed to find a Skeleton Merchant during a Blood Moon.