Urediniospore - Wikipedia
Urediniospores (or uredospores) are thin-walled spores produced by the uredium, a stage in the life-cycle of rusts. Urediniospores develop in the uredium, generally on a leaf's under surface. Urediniospores usually have two dikaryote nuclei within one cell.
Urediniospore - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Urediniospores give rise to a series of infection structures such as germ tubes, appressoria, substomatal vesicles, infection hyphae and haustorial mother cells, which in turn form haustoria (Mendgen et al., 1988).
Automatic detection and counting of urediniospores of Puccinia ...
Urediniospores of Pst are heteroecious macro-cyclic rust pathogens that require a living host (wheat/grasses, Berberis/Mahonia spp.) to complete the asexual and sexual phases of their life cycle 4–6. Urediniospores maintain the dominant asexual stage of …
Environmental conditions affecting the germination of
May 30, 2023 · Under the microscope, the isolated urediniospores were orange-yellow, subglobose or ellipsoidal (Fig. 2A), measuring 23.9–29.0 × 20.7–24.3 μm (n = 100), with an average size of 26.1 × 22.0 μm. The urediniospores had orange-yellow walls, uniform echinulate walls, and no internal septum.
Automatic detection and counting of urediniospores of
Sep 11, 2018 · In this paper, a new algorithm was proposed for the automatic detection and counting of urediniospores of Pst, based on digital image processing. First, images of urediniospores were collected...
Urediniospore | Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbooks
A thin-walled spore produced by rust fungi which can function as primary or secondary inoculum and are spread by wind or wind-blown rain. These...
Urediniospore - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Urediniospores of most rust fungi germinate on the host, form infection hyphae, which grow over the surface until they encounter a stomatal lip, triggering the formation of an appressorium.
Urediniospore - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Urediospores are the principal source of inoculum of all the cereal rusts in the United States. A single uredium can produce over 1000 urediospores per day for a period of several weeks (Section VI).
Extended survival of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici urediniospores ...
Oct 4, 2017 · Urediniospores of P. psidii from Eucalyptus spp. maintained viability up to 10 days at 35 or 40 °C with 35–55% relative humidity (Lana et al., 2012). It is noteworthy that in the current study high temperatures up to 45 °C did not kill all urediniospores.
Dynamics of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici Urediniospores in ...
Oct 23, 2023 · Monitoring the dynamics of urediniospores in the air of Longnan is of great significance for understanding the occurrence trend of the disease and the potential transmission source of urediniospores, which is helpful to formulate reasonable disease …
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