Uvala (landform) - Wikipedia
Uvala is originally a local toponym used by people in some regions in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. In geosciences it denotes a closed karst depression, a terrain form usually of elongated or compound structure and of larger size than that of sinkholes.
Mengenal Dolina, Uvala, dan Polje sebagai Bagian dari Kawasan …
Feb 14, 2022 · Dolina bisa memiliki kedalaman hingga ratusan meter. Uvala : uvala adalah gabungan dari dua atau lebih dolina, oleh karena itu uvala juga dikenal dengan sebutan compound doline. Hal ini menyebabkan ukuran uvala sangat besar.
Karstic uvala revisited: Toward a redefinition of the term
Nov 1, 2011 · Uvalas are a particular type of karst closed depression. While other types of closed depression – dolines and poljes – are regularly listed and relatively well defined in overviews of karst surface morphology, uvalas are either excluded or their vague identification is stressed.
Dolina - tipos de dolinas - Geologia - InfoEscola
Termo de origem eslovena que significa "pequeno vale", a união de duas ou mais dolinas recebe o nome de uvala. Cientificamente, tal ocorrência recebe o nome de exocarste.
Uvala, Karst Depression Landscape - SpringerLink
Nov 11, 2019 · There are at least 2,851 enclosed depressions in an area of 1,000 km 2 in the subterranean river district in Du’an, Guangxi Province. However, in the semi-arid north, the depressions are small, sparse and nearly circular. In tectonic areas, they can develop into bead-like depressions.
Uvala | Masyarakat Speleologi Indonesia
Feb 13, 2024 · Uvala adalah gabungan dari dua atau lebih Dolina. Menurut Whittow (1984), uvala adalah cekungan tertutup yang luas, yang terbentuk oleh gabungan dari beberapa doline. Uvala mempunyai dasar yang tidak teratur yang mencerminkan ketinggian sebelumnya dan karakteristik dari lereng doline yang telah mengalami degradasi serta lantai dasarnya tidak ...
Uvala — Википедија
Uvale se vrlo često javljaju na dnu suvih, napuštenih rečnih dolina u krasu. Poniranjem vodotoka po dnu doline počinje rastvaranje, koje prvo formira vrtače, a zatim se usmerava na pregrade između njih.
Mengenal Uvala: Proses Pembentukan dan Karakteristiknya
Ketika dinding pemisah antar dolina mulai terkikis dan runtuh, dolina-dolina tersebut bergabung membentuk cekungan yang lebih besar, yang kita kenal sebagai uvala. Faktor-faktor seperti curah hujan, suhu, dan komposisi batuan mempengaruhi kecepatan pembentukan uvala.
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Groundwater Erosional Landforms (Karst Topography) - Prepp
Uvala. A collection of multiple smaller individual sinkholes gather to form a compound sinkhole called uvala. It denotes a closed karst depression, a terrain form usually of elongated or compound structure and of larger size than of sinkholes. Uvalas are large, irregular, contiguous hollow forms in karst areas.
Geomorphology of Karst Depressions: Polje or Uvala
Typical for an uvala is the uneven bottom, which often contains dolines, whereas the flat ground at the bottom is typical for a polje. The flat bottom however is normally the result of the deposition (loam, sand and gravel).
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