Curve Optimisation For All locked CPUs Using Universal x86
Sep 13, 2022 · And about UXTU, it's kinda useless for My Lenovo legion 5, TDP just wont go past Max Performance preset numbers. The CO and BCLK are the only things that do anything withing the app. Btw if someone with Lenovo reading this, there's a app to control fans and it's called Lenovo Fan Control, made my Laptop silent with 45c mark to 800rpm.
Help with undervolting Ryzen 7 6800HS with UXTU : …
Mar 17, 2023 · I downloaded UXTU V1.0.3 (stable version) and tried to tune my CPU. I have Acer Nitro 5, AMD Ryzen 5 6600H + RTX 3070. Temperatures is what bothered me the most (95C + 50W on the CPU is just horrific). It turned out my CPU can handle my games just fine even without turbo boost (Wreckfest, Dying Light 1, max settings, 120-144 FPS).
基于天选4的7940H/13900H折腾使用体验 - 电脑讨论(新) - Chiphell …
Aug 25, 2023 · 7940H支持用Universal x86 Tuning Utility(UXTU)调整PBO Scalar,PBO Curve Optimizer和功耗,也支持用本来为ROG掌机打造的体感助手关闭睿频(Core Performance Boost) PBO Scalar默认,只调整Curve Optimizer 全核-30,可以跑到1.9w以上的分,此时功耗依然80W,温度稍高了一丢,全核应该是 ...
Using UXTU to undervolt Ryzen 9 5900HX? : r/GamingLaptops
Nov 5, 2023 · Dont use UXTU cuz it applies setting to all cores so its much better to set curve per every core since 1 core can be not stable and it will still make your games crash or bsod whole pc. I would suggest to start with -5 on all cores and test every core with Core Cruncher/Cycler unt ill u will see errors, if no go -2 or -3 more for example so -7 ...
How To Undervolt Your Cpu (5900hs/6900hs) : r/ZephyrusG15
Fix for different versions of UXTU to undervolt IS THE VERSION OF THE Asus system control interface in my case 3.1.13 compared to the latest version doesn't crash my system different versions of UXTU is created on different versions of Asus system control interface
Ryzen 9 5900HX Chips can now be "undervolted" via AATU Curve …
Jul 7, 2022 · get the updated universal x86 tuning utility (UXTU) and ditch the alpha AATU version. Had the same problem but updating it solved it and Im able to apply setting. undervolt of -15 and limited to 3600mhz via power plan hitting the spot rn..
Are there any good tutorials on how to undervolt an AMD cpu?
May 13, 2024 · Yess you are right that the chip can be undervolted. I was talking about UXTU. UXTU doesn't support dragon range chips. Idk about other brands but Lenovo only allows you to set the curve optimizer only till -5 if you have the latest bios. -5 is nothing so I just enabled cpu overclocking in BIOS and then used UXTU to set the curve optimizer to -25
What can UXTU do for me with an 7840HS? : r/RyzenShine - Reddit
Aug 27, 2023 · So I had hoped to be able to tweak a bit with UXTU. From HWMonitor, I seem to understand that I can overclock the iGPU to 3Ghz under Adaptive Mode. However, that results in the CPU running at like 500Mhz or somesuch. I was hoping that I could up the limit on the iGPU seperately and then play around with TDP so as to give sufficient juice to the ...
CPU TDP & iGPU TDP Settings and Behavior : r/AMDLaptops
Oct 2, 2023 · Namely, in UXTU, one can run "adaptive mode" which has a setting that controls when the SoC throttles down the iGPU based on CPU frequency. For instance, if the CPU frequency limit is set to 3500 MHz, it seems the iGPU is given "priority" in some way and allowed to boost freely, but once the CPU hits or surpasses that limit, the iGPU is ...
Undervolt in Bios? 7745hx : r/LenovoLegion - Reddit
Jun 13, 2023 · UXTU is for Intel only (should be, not used it for years), when you can undervolt ALWAYS do it especially on laptops, it will have higher performance, lower wattage used and lower heat, it's just a massive win and you don't lose anything, the only possible slight drawback is instability if you overdo it and it may require some tries to get the right voltage but the hassle is …