VBScript Functions - W3Schools
This page contains all the built-in VBScript functions. The page is divided into following sections:
VBScript Syntax Tutorial - Online Tutorials Library
Learn the essential syntax of VBScript with our comprehensive tutorial. Understand variables, data types, operators, and control structures to enhance your scripting skills.
VBScript Tutorial - Online Tutorials Library
Join our comprehensive VBScript tutorial to learn scripting from scratch. Ideal for all skill levels with hands-on examples and guidance.
VBScript Language Reference - Office VBScript Documentation
VBScript Tutorial. What Is VBScript? Adding VBScript Code to an HTML Page; VBScript Basics. VBScript Data Types; VBScript Variables; VBScript Constants; VBScript Operators; Using Conditional Statements; Looping Through Code; VBScript Procedures; VBScript Coding Conventions; Using VBScript in Internet Explorer. A Simple VBScript Page; VBScript ...
VBScript Tutorial
It teaches you VBScript from the ground up — starting with the basics. This VBScript tutorial consists of the following lessons: This tutorial assumes you are comfortable coding HTML. If you aren't comfortable with HTML, start with the HTML Tutorial first, then return to this page to learn VBScript! Learn how to program with VBScript.
VBScript Functions & Procedures with Example - Guru99
Sep 26, 2024 · If you want to execute a series of statements and return a value, then you need to use function procedures, commonly known as function. Function procedures start and end with Function and End Function statements respectively.
VBScript Tutorial for Beginner: Learn in 3 Days - Guru99
Sep 26, 2024 · VBScript is a propriety client side scripting language by Microsoft, supported by Internet Explorer. Its is widely used in enterprises. This course will teach you basics of VBScript.
VBScript How-to guides - SS64.com
Write a VBScript function. Cos,Sin,Log,Fix,VariableSubtype. Naming convention for VBScript. Return the current Year/Month/Day and time. Get Date, Time and daylight savings. Delete files older than N days. Function to calculate the date of Easter. Save and Restore Windows Printer Connections. Edit network printer connections.
VBScript Syntax - Quackit Tutorials
What VBScript syntax refers to, is a set of rules that determine how the language will be written (by the programmer) and interpreted (by the browser or server). The VBScript syntax is based on the Visual Basic (VB) syntax.
The Complete VBScript Tutorial – Expert Guide for Beginners
Sep 6, 2024 · Understanding Core VBScript Syntax. The syntax of VBScript is quite similar if you have used languages like Visual Basic or Microsoft Office macros before. Let‘s breakdown the key components: VBScript Comments ‘ Single line comment ‘‘‘ Multiline Comment ‘‘‘