PSS analysis can be used to find the oscillation frequency, spectrum and amplitude of the VCO. To obtain the phase noise, pnoise analysis must also be performed.
Make sure the VCO works by setting the “Initial Condition”, “tstab” should be longer than the time the VCO needs to stable. If the VCO frequency is off the beat frequency by too much over sweeping Vctrl, PSS may fail.
To evaluate the VCO performance, in this lab the following simulation are introduced: 1- PSS simulation for oscillation frequency, harmonics, tuning range, and supply sensitivity
PSS simulation for VCO - Cadence Design Systems
Jan 12, 2019 · Hello , i have found that my VCO oscilates 13.45GHZ by converting period to frequency from the transient plot bellow f=1/T, i tried to perform the PSS and PNOISE as following:
How to measure output power in dBm of an LC tank VCO?
Aug 28, 2020 · In most high-frequency resonant based VCO, you are correct, the output power is typically measured when the output of the VCO is driving a 50 ohm impedance. Just to verify, are you trying to measure the power dissipation of the VCO or …
PSS & PNOISE simulation for VCO and PLL - RF Design
Oct 18, 2021 · According to the "VCO spectreRF workshop", there are two Idc components at output nodes with the dc value of 0 and instance name "vco_vout" and "vco_vout1", "vco_vout" is chosen as the output probe in PNOISE analysis.
PSS and Pnoise analysis in cadence for an injection-Locked VCO
Oct 2, 2021 · I am designing a first harmonic injection locked VCO oscillating on 2.4GHz. To calculate PN, I ran PSS and PNOISE analysis in cadence, but there was an error "V0 is a periodic input signal, which is inconsistent with autonomous circuits" because of the existence of a periodic input voltage with the frequency of 100MHz.
pss+pnoise仿真VCO相位噪声的一点疑问 - Analog/RF IC 设计讨论 …
Jan 17, 2013 · 现在只看了一下spectre workshop- vco design using spectreRF,看的也不是很明白了。 我也想知道答案,请求回复! 谢谢. 先做pss才能做pnoise,因为pss做完了就可以确定基波频率和谐波频率,设定relative就可以在已知的基波频率(设为1)处的相位噪声,频率摆幅设定区域内的相位噪声图都可以看出来了。 楼主现在弄懂了吗? 求赐教! 我设置的不同number of harmonics/maximum sideband得到的抖动都不一样,还有积分范围及输出扫描范围,这4个量 …
VCO+Divider Chain simulation - Forum for Electronics
Feb 22, 2005 · I am using Spectre RF to simulate a VCO followed by a divide chain but it is painstakingly slow. Initially, I had two separate designs: 1. 40GHz VCO followed by divide-by-2 ILFD (Generating 20 GHz output) 2. Divide by 16 based on DFF's
[求助] Spectre的pss仿真VCO的beat Frequency应该设置为 ... - EETOP
Sep 26, 2019 · 对于用PSS仿VCO的振荡频率,beat frequency填预估的振荡频率,这个频率只是个预估值,如果这个值严重偏离了实现的振荡频率,容易导致仿真器不收敛。 不收敛意思就是仿真器算不出一个正确的频率,你看不到仿真结果。
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