The Difference Between VCO and SAC Injectors - Power Driven Diesel
Nov 7, 2020 · VCO nozzles tend to be quieter and allow for more power. However, the fuel pattern can be weak at the beginning of the injection event. SAC nozzles are louder, and better suited for mid-level power applications.
SAC Nozzles vs VCO Nozzles | Cummins Diesel Forum
Sep 9, 2014 · A VCO nozzle has better flow, a SAC nozzle will flow more across the seat making them comparable for power. Beyond about a 90 HP injector the VCO nozzles start to become problematic where the SAC is not.
LB7 VCO/SAC Nozzles - lincolndieselspecialties.com
LB7 Nozzles ranging from stock to 100% over units. Your choice of VCO or SAC style on 45%'s and up. We also include the new nozzle nut for units 65% and larger.
Sep 1, 2015 · SAC vs VCO.jpg Books could be written on nozzle design - here are some quick points on the two designs: VCO - Stands for "Valve Covers Orifice". The VCO nozzle is generally less expensive. It also tends to be less durable, particularly in high-heat performance applications.
SAC vs VCO injectors info - Chevy and GMC Duramax Diesel Forum
Apr 22, 2018 · In the search of understanding the difference between the SAC and VCO injector, I am posting a little bit of information of what I have found. These are not the only sources I have read but the links are below. -More robust nozzle tip (promoting longer life). -Slightly cleaner emissions. Hopefully this will help in the decision making process.
Comparing SAC v VCO Injectors | Cummins Diesel Forum
May 21, 2014 · I wanted less smoke so I went back with the voc style. They do run cleaner than the sac and the power just the same on the street. If I was looking to race or sled pull I would be running the sac style. My vote us vco for cleaner power and …
Lets start up a Sac vs VCO discussion | Cummins Diesel Forum
Aug 6, 2013 · VCO will move more fuel than a SAC nozzle. However, due to the pintle design a SAC injector does a better job in controlling the fuel flow and spray angle in larger than stock injectors. IMO this is why in a VE Pump application the most power has been traditionally made with VCO injectors.
SACorVCO - Watts Shop Performance
SAC nozzle actually flow less than the VCO's, but they (SAC) will move more fuel across the seat. Hence, roughly the same power and less smoke. The VCO's spray pattern have a more exact penetration to the intended protrusion zone. The VCO's have better flow (not higher flow) resulting in the exhaust having a higher exit velocity as well.
LB7 Injector Nozzle Set - Dans Diesel Performance
We have many sizes of nozzles available in both VCO and SAC style. All performance nozzles come as a set and are flow matched to give you the best quality set of nozzles money can buy. Dan's Diesel Performance recommends having the …
Cummins Injectors SAC vs VCO Nozzles - YouTube
Jan 17, 2018 · Educate yourself on the differences between SAC and VCO injector nozzles. Will Terry of Power Driven Diesel gives us the scoop. And we may even play a little...