What is the difference between a 4 head vcr and a 6 head vcr?
Jun 30, 1997 · A six-head VCR utilizes two separate heads for recording only. In this way four heads can be dedicated to playback for maximum playback quality while the two additional …
VCR Head Cleaning Tape: Wet or Dry? - Home Theater Forum
Jan 11, 2001 · Head cleaning tapes are a bad idea, especially on a S-VHS VCR. Unless you really know what you're doing, like Scott does, you'd be better off spending $20 once every …
What to use for VCR head cleaning alcohol? - Home Theater Forum
Sep 1, 2001 · When I clean my VCR heads I use alcohol. I don't use Q-tips though as they are likely to leave behind strings of cotton. I use the cleaners that are made of a spongy rubber …
VCR Terms: 19 Micron Heads and Flying Erase Head
Sep 23, 2002 · All tape recording heads have a gap where the head contacts the tape. The gap width has an effect on the horizontal resolution among other things, generally the narrower the …
Do VHS Head Cleaners really work? - Home Theater Forum
Dec 28, 2001 · This is a VCR that is even less than a year old, and already it's having problems. Everytime I rewind, the video gets all fuzzy and snowy in playback mode. Another VCR, works …
VCR- mono to stereo convert? - Home Theater Forum
Nov 6, 2001 · My 4-head VCR is NOT stereo. Can one of those stand-alone stereo converters (ie Recoton FRED) convert the mono output of a VCR to stereo? I know it will convert the cable …
MTS stereo playback in VCR - Home Theater Forum
Jun 20, 2003 · Just a thought, but if it was an older "Stereo" vcr as you said, it might not have been a "HI-FI STEREO" one meaning that the stereo signal was recorded at the top of the …
6 Head VCR vs. S-Video VCR - Home Theater Forum
Aug 22, 2017 · Additional pairs can be either/both of additional playback heads for better image during slo-mo and fast play, which was already explained. The second pair of extra heads …
VCRs with S-Video out - Home Theater Forum
Mar 1, 2003 · Also if I remember right the 2901 does not have "REAR" A/V Inputs only "FRONT" A/V Inputs. Myself if I was going to buy a S-VHS VCR I would get a "Refurbished" JVC 7800 …
Importance of an auto head cleaner. - Home Theater Forum
May 17, 2003 · Don't make the head cleaner be the deciding factor... I've never seen any evidence of their effectiveness. The "head-cleaner" is an abrasive type, which re-uses the …