2024 VHA Innovation Experience | VHA IEX - Veterans Affairs
VHA iEX Talks from those at the forefront of their fields provide real-world experiences where innovation has made a tangible change, impacting Veterans at every level of well-being. In six-to-eight-minute TED Talk-style presentations, VA employees share experiences that widen our viewpoint, challenge our perspectives, and touch on current hot ...
VA Healthcare | IDGA
Listen to leadership from across the VA executive team, VHA, DHA and the AMA discuss the future of healthcare and benefit delivery for our Nation's Veterans in order to understand the strategic goals across the health continuum.
Outreach & Events | Outreach Events - Veterans Affairs
VA benefits can help Veterans and their families buy homes, earn degrees, start careers, stay healthy, and more. Join an event for conversation and information. Find out about upcoming VA events near you.
VHA - iEX Talks - Veterans Affairs
VHA iEX Talks uses storytelling to highlight the ingenuity and power of innovation in creating real value and impact for VHA employees, academia, industry partners, and the Veteran community.
2023 Innovation Experience - Innovators, Welcome Home! - Veterans Affairs
Nov 2, 2023 · VHA iEX Talks from those at the forefront of their fields provide real-world experiences where innovation has made a tangible change, impacting Veterans at every level of well-being.
VHA Innovation Experience (iEX) 2023 - Veterans Affairs
iEX 2023 will take an all-new format; we will come together as one team and showcase VHA innovations that are improving Veteran care. Attendees will hear from VA leaders and innovation visionaries, network with their fellow innovation champions, and participate in several new and returning sessions.
VHA iEx Talks: VHA’s innovation story is its people, purpose, and ...
Sep 5, 2019 · Soon, 20 VHA storytellers will take you on their innovation journey. They will inform, inspire and show you how innovation is changing Veterans lives.
TEDxVeteransAffairs | TED
Previous talks have included the Value of Customer Service, How to Make VA the Best Place to Work in Government, Why Millennials Make Great Public Servants, The Future of HRIT, Innovation at VHA, How to Better Serve Women Veterans, WILL-Power, and What to Do When You Meet a Veteran in Crisis.
iEX Talks Series: VHA Extended Reality Network, a growing …
Dec 1, 2021 · This week dive into the iEX Talk about the VHA Extended Reality (XR) Network to learn about how VHA is better serving our nation’s Veterans
TEDxVeteransAffairs | TED
VA employees from across the Department are invited to join the TEDxVeteransAffairs weeklong event taking place September 20-24 at 12:30 p.m., eastern time, each day.