11 Forgotten Media Formats of Yesteryear - Popular Mechanics
May 9, 2017 · While they seem like very 1980s things, Betamax and VHS came out in 1975 and 1976, respectively. But five years before VHS, there was the U-Matic.
Videotape format war - Wikipedia
Sony had demonstrated a prototype videotape recording system it called "Beta" to the other electronics manufacturers in 1974, and expected that they would back a single format for the good of all. But JVC in particular decided to go with its own format.
Timeline of video formats - Wikipedia
VHS: Video Home System Analog video recording on tape cassettes. Beat Betamax to become the dominant format for home analog video. 1978 LaserDisc: Close-up of grooves on a LaserDisc Analog video that was read via laser stored on a 12 inch …
Video Media Timeline - Museum of Obsolete Media
Compact VHS (VHS-C) (1982 – late 2000s) Sony introduces the Betacam camcorder, the first integrated camera and video recorder, for professional use. Prior to this, video cameras were connected to a separate recorder unit (1983)
The Difference Between VHS and Betamax Tapes and How VHS
Apr 26, 2023 · Standard VHS tapes are 7.3 inches long and 3.75 inches wide whereas Beta tapes are 6.2 inches long and 3.75 inches wide. Since Betamax is smaller and more compact, it makes recording and storage easier. VHS-C was an alternative compact VHS tape with dimensions of 3⅔ × 2¼ × ¾ inches that was released in 1982 during the format wars.
VHS vs Betamax: The Difference Between These Two Formats
Mar 10, 2024 · Betamax, developed by Sony, was introduced in 1975. VHS (Video Home System), created by JVC, followed shortly after in 1976/77. They were similar in many aspects but had some crucial differences that ignited fierce competition. The first significant difference lay in the technical specifications.
VHS Vs Beta: The Original Format War
Dec 30, 2018 · The VHS vs Beta format wars which started in the late 1970s would stretch into the ‘80s. As video players became more affordable the battle would continue to grow with the VHS format ultimately winning out and leading to the end of Beta.
Why VHS beat Betamax - The Silicon Underground
Apr 15, 2019 · By 1983, a VHS VCR sold for about $439 while a Beta VCR cost $489, and the VHS tapes cost $1 less too. But VHS had one more advantage: longer recording times. I’ve heard some people theorize that VHS won just because you can record a whole U.S. football game on VHS, but not Beta.
Why Betamax Failed So Spectacularly Against VHS in the Format …
Nov 19, 2023 · But by 1978, average VHS recording times had already reached 2 hours and 25 minutes – far longer than Betamax could handle. This longer recording capacity was much better suited to consumer needs and gave VHS a crucial edge.
The Case of Betamax Versus VHS | CGC
Jun 3, 2024 · Nearly everyone knows what a VHS is, but what is a Betamax? Betamax is not simply a different brand of VHS videocassette. Instead, it is a completely different video format that fought VHS (Video Home System) for supremacy in the videotape format war of the 1980s.
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