Local Features - VA Mid-Atlantic Health Care Network
Diffusion Marketplace is VHA’s discovery and collaboration tool built for curating VA’s promising innovations to encourage their diffusion. Many VISN 6 staff have submitted their best innovative practices for adoption. Read the full story. VISN 6 Seen as Innovation Trailblazer
The philosophy all of us embrace in VISN 6 of con-tinuous quality improvement and the pursuit of excel-lence has been the reason why two of our medical cen-ters have been selected to participate in VA’s national Innovators Program. This program is an opportunity for VA staf to demonstrate how one person can make a dif-
Other Facilities - VA Mid-Atlantic Health Care Network
Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you’ve earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more.
Returning Service Members - VA Mid-Atlantic Health Care Network
Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you’ve earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more.
what VISN 6 is doing to treat the in-visible wounds of war. VA is the undisputed leader in mending the physical traumas of war. Equally as important, VA also leads national and interna-tional efforts to heal psychological trauma as well. Within VA, there are 15 specialized mental health centers of
VISN 6 VA medical facilities work individually with homeless Veterans before referring them to local housing agencies to access vouchers. Decisions are based on a variety of factors, most importantly the duration of homelessness and the need for longer term, more intensive support in ob-taining and maintaining permanent housing.
VISN 6 Recognizes Geriatric Scholars Program Gradu - VA Mid …
Now in its 10th year, with 800 Scholars in more than 370 clinics, the VA Geriatric Scholars Program is a workforce development program offered by VA’s offices of Rural Health, and Geriatrics and Extended Care, to integrate state-of-the-art geriatric health care into primary care practice. VISN 6 is recognizing local program graduates
Ecellent are – Earned by Veterans eliered Here "6(645 ///// 1 Official News From Around Your VISN VOLUME 12 ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2022 VOICES OF VISN 6 Excellent Care – Earned by Veterans – Delivered Here PHOTO ABOVE: Newly appointed Salisbury VA Health Care System Ex-ecutive Director John Melton (center)
where VISN 6 operates community based outpa-tient clinics. Clinics were closed for up to 10 days due to floodwaters, but re-opened once waters reced-ed and made it possible to reach them safely again. Several areas in the state were left without power and experienced excessive flooding, as rivers crested and levees were breached. Governor
Official News From Around Your VISN VOLUME 9 ISSUE 9 AUGUST/ SEPTEMBER 2019 VOICES OF VISN 6 Excellent Care – Earned by Veterans – Delivered Here Charles George VAMC is employing a life-changing prosthetic device for Vet-erans suffering from a variety of illnesses affecting their ability to walk. The Ness L300 Go device can improve mobility,