VOG Group
The Virtual Outcrop Geology Group is a collaboration between NORCE (Norwegian Research Centre), Bergen, Norway, and the University of Aberdeen, UK. The group... VOG is now Fonix …
LIME | VOG Group - Virtual Outcrop
Virtual outcrop model overlain with geological strike layer and filtered by dip angle to remove low-angle areas (Bullfrog Creek (Entrada), VOG Group, https://v3geo.com/model/93). More …
LIME | VOG Group - virtualoutcrop.com
LIME: Visual inspection, integration, analysis and communication. LIME is an easy to use and lightweight 3D viewer for high performance visualisation and interpretation of meshes and …
LIME | VOG Group - Virtual Outcrop
Orientation measurements made on outcrops around Arches road cut, Utah, USA (Arches Road Cut, VOG Group, https://v3geo.com/model/98). Points. Points can be added to denote areas …
LIME | VOG Group - Virtual Outcrop
Virtual outcrop model loaded from V3Geo cloud source (Gerace, VOG Group, https://v3geo.com/model/73). If you work for a company that is a sponsor of the SAFARI …
LIME | VOG Group - Virtual Outcrop
Geocellular grid sections created from LIME outcrop interpretations in geomodelling software, imported back into LIME as Panels for co-visualisation, quality control and presentation …
LIME | VOG Group - Virtual Outcrop
Sample dataset for new users. We have provided a sample dataset and guide to help you get going with the software. This highlights some of the basic features and possibilities of how …
LIME | VOG Group - Virtual Outcrop
LIME is a high performance 3D viewer for working with models acquired using laser scanning, photogrammetry and related spatial measurement techniques.
VOG Group - Virtual Outcrop
The Virtual Outcrop Geology Group is a collaboration between NORCE (Norwegian Research Centre), Bergen, Norway, and the University of Aberdeen, UK. The group...
LIME | VOG Group - Virtual Outcrop
Panels. Panels are a new addition to LIME, and make use of the advanced visual framework to integrate multiple data types into the 3D scene. A Panel is essentially a plane in 3D space …