The 8 Most Important Voodoo Gods - Learn Religions
Jun 13, 2024 · In the Voodoo religion, the loa are divine beings who play an important role. Take a look at some of the most important Voodoo gods and goddesses.
Top 8 Voodoo Gods & Spirits: Most Important Deities (Full List)
Dec 5, 2023 · There are 8 main Voodoo deities that you need to study in order to practice or celebrate the Vodou religion. According to Voudou teachings, there are over a thousand lwa that exist and exactly 401 orisha.
From Legba to Erzulie: A Guide to Haitian Vodou Gods & Goddesses
Enter the mystical world of Haitian Vodou, where powerful gods reign supreme. From the fierce warrior Ogoun to the loving mother Erzulie, practitioners have revered and honored these deities for centuries.
Dominican Vudú - Wikipedia
Dominican Vudú, or Dominican Voodoo (Spanish: Vudú Dominicano), popularly known as Las 21 Divisiones (The 21 Divisions), is a heavily Catholicized syncretic religion of African-Caribbean origin which developed in the former Spanish colony …
Haitian Vodou - Wikipedia
Vodou teaches the existence of a transcendent creator divinity, Bondye, under whom are spirits known as lwa. Typically deriving their names and attributes from traditional West and Central African deities, they are equated with Roman Catholic saints.
The Basic Beliefs of the Vodou (Voodoo) Religion
May 2, 2018 · Followers of Vodou -- known as Vodouisants -- believe in a single, supreme godhead that can be equated with the Catholic God. This deity is known as Bondye, "the good god".
Aug 13, 2014 · LEGBA – The sun god and intermediary between the gods and humanity. He speaks all human languages and is always the first god or loa to be invoked in Voodoo ceremonies. It is through Legba that loa move back and forth from the realm of the gods in Guinee to the mortal world to possess worshippers.
Lwa - Wikipedia
Lwa, also called loa, are spirits in the African diasporic religion of Haitian Vodou and Dominican Vudú. They have also been incorporated into some revivalist forms of Louisiana Voodoo. [a] Many of the lwa derive their identities in part from deities venerated in the traditional religions of West Africa, especially those of the Fon and Yoruba.
Definition, History, West African Vodun, & Facts - Britannica
Jan 30, 2025 · The primary goal and activity of Vodou is to sevi lwa (“serve the spirits”)—to offer prayers and perform various devotional rites directed at God and particular spirits in return for health, protection, and favour.
Origins, Meanings, And Myths Of Voodoo | GhoSt Augustine
Voodoo (Vodou, Vodoun, Vudu, or Vudun in Benin, Togo, southeastern Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Senegal; also Vodou in Haiti) is a name attributed to a traditionally uten West African spiritual system of faith and ritual practices.
An introduction to Vodun, or Voodoo - Human Religions
Voodoo is a traditional religion based on ritual and magic 6 centered on relationships with multiple pseudo-gods, spirits and ancestors, which for most people have no particular structure nor hierarchy 6, but the good and friendly ones are loyal to Mahu, a benevolent deistic (non-interventionist) creator god 7.
The Vodou gods or spirits, called lwa, are grouped into several “nations,” linked to areas and peoples in Africa. Vodou temples in Haiti, and some in North America, are marked by a sacred center pole.
The Vodou Pantheon of Gods and Spirits - Godchecker
The Gods, Goddesses, Spirits and legendary characters of Vodou mythology. Gods are often known by several names. We have tried to collect as many Holy Aliases as possible.
Vodun, Voodoo, Vaudun - Encyclopedia.com
Derived from the Dahomean word vudu, which means "spirit," the term Vodun condenses a highly complex worldview predicated on the belief that human beings are influenced by divine spirits or "laos," who manifest the will of the one supreme God when they "possess" individuals during specific ritualistic rites, ceremonies, and consultations. The ...
Damballa - Wikipedia
Damballa, also spelled Damballah, Dambala, Dambalah, among other variations (Haitian Creole: Danbala), is one of the most important of all loa, spirits in West African Vodun, Haitian Voodoo and other African diaspora religious traditions such as Obeah.
West African Vodun - The Spiritual Life
Vodun cosmology centers around the vodun spirits and other elements of divine essence that govern the Earth, a hierarchy that range in power from major deities governing the forces of nature and human society to the spirits of individual streams, trees, and rocks, as well as dozens of ethnic vodun, defenders of a certain clan, tribe, or nation.
Voodoo | Myth and Folklore Wiki | Fandom
Haitian Vodou is a syncretic mixture of Roman Catholic rituals developed during the French colonial period, based on traditional African beliefs, with roots in Dahomey, Kongo and Yoruba traditions, and folkloric influence from the. indigenous Taino peoples of Haiti.
Bondye, the Good God of Vodou - Learn Religions
Aug 13, 2017 · The Vodou (or Voodoo) religion is monotheistic, meaning that followers believe in a single god. In this case, it is Bondye who is also known as "the good god." While Vodouisants interact more with the spirits they call lwa (or loa), they hold Bondye as the supreme being.
West African Vodún - Wikipedia
Vodún teaches the existence of a supreme creator divinity, under whom are lesser spirits called vodúns. Many of these deities are associated with specific areas, but others are venerated widely throughout West Africa; some have been absorbed from …
Vodoun Symbols for Their Gods - Learn Religions
Jul 3, 2019 · Vodoun religious practices commonly include appealing to the loa (lwa), or spirits, and inviting them to temporarily take possession of (or "ride") human bodies so that they may communicate directly with believers. The ceremonies commonly include drumming, chanting, dancing and the drawing of symbols known as veves (vevers).