VX (Nerve Agent) - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Apr 11, 2014 · VX (Nerve Agent) is a highly toxic chemical warfare agent that is more persistent and toxic than other nerve agents like sarin, causing death through various routes of exposure such as inhalation, ingestion, and skin contact.
VX (Nerve Agent) - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Apr 30, 2019 · Agent VX is an amber-colored liquid with a vapor density of 9.2, and is considered odorless. Thus, nerve agent vapors possess little to no olfactory warning properties (Table 8.1). Table 8.1. Physical and chemical properties of organophosphorous nerve agents.
VX (Nerve Agent) - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Aug 20, 2020 · Another organophosphate nerve agent, VX, is the most potent chemical warfare agent; a single droplet of VX on the skin can be fatal. VX exists solely as a liquid with a low vapor pressure and volatility, making spontaneous evaporation highly unlikely. 11 However, it is well absorbed through the skin.
Oxidative detoxification of nerve agent VX simulant by …
Feb 1, 2021 · VX is a representative nerve agent and its rapid detoxification relays on the development of catalysts and understanding of the mechanism on an atomic level. Herein, we report that a Lindqvist-type [Nb 6 O 19] 8− (Nb 6) can effectively catalyze the detoxification of VX simulant, OSDEMP.
Adsorption of organophosphate nerve agent VX on the (101) …
Feb 1, 2022 · We quantify the adsorption of the organophosphate venomous agent X (VX) on the clean and hydroxylated (101) surfaces of anatase titanium dioxide (TiO2…
Evaluation of the possibility of binary synthesis of VX by …
Oct 1, 2020 · Nerve agents such as sarin (GB), soman (GD), tabun (GA), and VX are highly toxic organophosphorus compounds and strongly inhibit the activity of cholinesterase [1]. They are classified as chemical warfare agents, and their production, …
Russian VX - ScienceDirect
Jan 1, 2009 · This chapter describes the chemistry, analysis, toxicity, monitoring, and regulatory hygiene, and therapy of Russian VX nerve agent. One of the most a…
Theoretical evaluation of the hydrolysis of conventional nerve …
Dec 16, 2021 · Because novichok agents are extremely toxic, we used theoretical calculations to study their hydrolysis reactions. We performed calculations under basic conditions and compared the results with those of conventional nerve agents. In most cases, the novichok agents behaved more like VX than sarin.
Unambiguous mass spectral characterization of VX and its six …
Feb 25, 2016 · VX and its six other isomers which are potentially nerve agents with molecular weight of 267 were synthesized and their EI and CI MS spectra were studied. Although the major ions in the mass spectra for these isomers are similar, these chemicals could be distinguished based on some low abundance characteristic ions.
Discriminative detection of various organophosphorus nerve …
Development of a molecularly imprinted polymer-based electrochemical sensor for the selective detection of nerve agent VX metabolite ethyl methylphosphonic acid in human plasma and urine samples