What is the biggest star we know? - NASA
One is called Eta Carinae. It has a size about 800 times that of our Sun, a mass about 100 times that of our Sun, and is about 4,000,000 times brighter than our Sun. And, yet, we do not think …
Can you tell me about gamma-ray bursts? - NASA
StarChild Question of the Month for July 2002 Question: Can you tell me about gamma-ray bursts?. Answer: What is a gamma-ray burst?
88 Officially Recognized Constellations - NASA
Latin Name English Name or Description; Andromeda: Princess of Ethiopia: Antlia: Air pump: Apus: Bird of Paradise: Aquarius ...
StarChild: Multidisciplinary Universe Activities: Star Art
Star Art. Star watching has occupied humans from the earliest times. Our ancestors studied the night sky and saw shapes and patterns among the stars.
Why is Polaris the North Star? - NASA
The Earth spins on its "axis". This axis is an imaginary line running through the Earth. If you were to be high above the Earth, looking straight down along the axis, all the points on Earth would …
StarChild: The planet Saturn - NASA
Saturn is a large gas planet with an atmosphere composed of hydrogen and helium. Saturn's rapid spin tends to flatten out the poles while causing a bulge at its equator.
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