ZB vz. 30 - Wikipedia
The ZB-30 and ZB-30J were Czechoslovakian light machine guns that saw extensive use during World War II. The Zb 30 and Zb 30J were the later versions of the famous Czechoslovak …
10 cm houfnice vz. 30 - Wikipedia
The 10 cm houfnice vz. 30 (howitzer model 30) was a Czechoslovak howitzer used in the Second World War. The 158 weapons captured after the German invasion of Czechoslovakia in March …
Sep 2, 2016 · The VZ-30 is a cost effective radio communication solution meant for both first time and intermediate users. This portable radio is equipped with the necessary features to ensure …
Panzerspähwagen 30(t) (OA vz.30 in German Service)
Aug 12, 2024 · With this engine, the OA vz.30 was able to reach a maximum speed of 60 km/h, which dropped to 10-15 km/h off-road. The operational range was 200 km/h and 100 km off …
Vz. 30 Flare Pistol - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The vz. 30 was a signal pistol produced in Czechoslovakia by CZ for military use. Manufacture was halted by the outbreak of World War II with just over 24,000 having been produced, and …
CZ VZ30 FLAIR PISTOL - C46687 - Simpson Ltd
26.5 MM; 75% blue, good bore, very good grips, 5'' barrel, This is a Czechoslovakian Vz.30 Signal Pistol that was manufactured by CZ for the Czech military in 1939. The Czech military …
CZECH VZ 30 FLARE PISTOL - C28819 - Simpson Ltd
4 Gauge; 50% blue, fair bore, good grips, 5'' barrel, Manufactured in Czechoslovakia, nazi proofed.. Original blued finish and checkered bakelite one piece grip. Swing over breechblock. …
Ceska Zbrojovka vz. 30 Light Machine Gun (LMG) - Military Factory
May 10, 2019 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Ceska Zbrojovka vz. 30 Light Machine Gun (LMG) including pictures.
Original Czech Pre-WWII Vz.30 Signal Flare Pistol dated 1937
This is an excellent condition Czechoslovakian Vz.30 Signal Pistol that was manufactured for the Czech military in 1937. The Czech military "Rampant Lion" acceptance proofs are marked on …
OA vz. 30 - Wikipedia
The OA vz. 30 (full name Obrněný automobil vzor 30, English: Armoured Car Type 30) was a Czechoslovak-designed armored car used by Czechoslovakia in the 1930s and by Nazi …