AFRMA Fancy Rats - Marked
The following is a brief description of the rat markings as recognized by the American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association. See Fancy Rat Genes: Marked for genetics.
Fancy Rat Varieties: Fur Color, Eye Color, Coat Type, and Markings
Nov 27, 2024 · Pet rats, often called fancy rats, are intelligent, clean, friendly, and trainable. Their popularity as pets has led to the development of many coat colors and types.
AFRMA - Colors & Coats - Variegated X Self = Berkshire, not Variegated
Mar 26, 2014 · Self bred to any of the markings with significant white on the top side of the rat (Hooded, Bareback, Capped, and Variegated) will typically produce Irish and Berkshire type babies.
Variegated – Queen City Rattery
Within the realm of rat breeding, the enchanting variety known as "Variegated" rats captivates with its versatility, as these rats can manifest in any officially recognized color.
AFRMA Fancy Rats - Varieties
The following is a brief description of the rat Varieties (coat, body, ear types; rats do not come in breeds) as recognized by the American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association. See Fancy Rat Genes: Coats & Misc. for genetics.
Variegated, hi/he or hi/hn One copy of the Irish allele and one copy of the Extreme allele, OR one copy of the Irish allele and one copy of the Notch allele Chromosome: 14 RVG description: TBA
Variegated Bloodline
Variegated: Variegated rats to be shown in any recognized color and are similar to Hooded rats but instead of a spine marking, will have patches and flecks of color on the back side.
Pet Rat Colors, Coat Types & Markings: Different Varieties
Jun 16, 2024 · Did you know that fancy rats do not only come in seven varieties, but also in tons of different colors? The American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association recognizes over 40 colors across 6 sections, as well as different markings 1. This article will give you a rundown of all the recognized colors and markings that can be found in pet rats.
Markings - Crescenity Rattery
Variegated Hooded rats are the same as a Hooded but they have white flecks all through their Hoods. They should still have the correct Hood. Mismarked is any unusual patterning in …
Patterns | Colorado Rat Breeder | Camarattery
Variegated is a rat with splashes on the back and a hood on the head, but the neck and chin have white on them. Variegated can have a Blaze or Head Spot or a solid head without markings.