The Mass of Vatican II – CERC - Catholic Education Resource Center
Mass facing the people is a not requirement of Vatican II; it is not in the spirit of Vatican II; it is definitely not in the letter of Vatican II. It is something introduced in 1969. And, by the way, never in the history of the Church, East or West, was there a …
The Day the Mass Changed, How it Happened and Why -- Part I
On November 29, 1964 — a year after the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy was enacted — the “New Mass”, as it was then called, was introduced into US parishes. A...
Attending Vatican Mass - Timings, Papal Mass & More
Discover the spirituality Vatican Mass ceremonies at St. Peter's Basilica & Square. Find Papal Mass timings and insights into these revered gatherings.
“Mass is celebrated either in Latin or in another language, provided that liturgical texts are used which have been approved according to the norm of law.
The Mass of Vatican II - Adoremus
Dec 15, 1998 · For those who want to follow this "course into the future which God has in mind for his cherished people", the "Mass of Vatican II" booklet is an ideal help. The "Mass of Vatican II" booklet can be ordered by contacting Ignatius Press .
Second Vatican Council - Wikipedia
The Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, commonly known as the Second Vatican Council or Vatican II, was the 21st and most recent ecumenical council of the Catholic Church.
A Look at the "Actual Mass" of Vatican II: the 1965 Missal
Jan 29, 2015 · So let’s look at the 1965 Missal, the one that was actually published in the wake of the council and had its reforms in mind. Three introductory points will help: 1. There ARE changes in the Liturgy. The most significant is a wider (but not exclusive) use of the vernacular.
What was a mass like before Vatican II? : r/Catholicism - Reddit
Here's an old video from Easter Sunday narrated by Bishop Fulton Sheen on the mass celebrated before Vatican II. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6AOvStZS64. It was mostly Low Masses (no choir or cantor) with varying degrees of quality.
Vatican II - Together At One Altar
The liturgical reforms of Vatican II proclaimed the Mass as ‘source and summit of Christian life’ and encouraged the ‘full, conscious and active participation’ of all in the Eucharistic celebration.
Vatican II and the Reform of the Mass - ccwatershed.org
Mar 7, 2013 · FESSIO has often said, the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium of Vatican II makes nine proposals or mandates concerning the reform of the Mass, no more and no less: (1) that the rites are to be simplified so that duplications or accretions would taken away; (2) that the readings from Scripture should be expanded in number and variety; (3) that ...