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Products - Vickers Tactical
Vickers Tactical Slide Stop VTSS-001 By TangoDown Vickers Tactical® presents the optimum slide stop for Glock™. Having difficulty executing fast reloads with the OEM slide stop? …
About Larry Vickers - Vickers Tactical
Larry Vickers of Vickers Tactical is a retired US Army 1st SFOD- Delta combat veteran with years of experience in the firearms industry as a combat marksmanship instructor and industry …
Carbine Slings - Vickers Tactical
Luckily for me, I had Ashley Burnsed of Blue Force Gear in a recent carbine/pistol class. I was impressed with not only his open-minded attitude, but the superb quality of his products. We …
Weapon Magazines - Vickers Tactical
Weapon Magazines Magazines are the single most critical component of the weapons system; a properly designed and fabricated magazine can enhance a weapons reliability dramatically, …
Battle Rifles - Vickers Tactical
For a serious use FAL, my favorite is the tactical carbine offered by DS Arms. With an aluminum alloy lower receiver and 16.25 inch barrel it makes for a very handy 7.62mm carbine. For my …
Shooting on the Move - Vickers Tactical
Shooting on the Move All you have to do is watch the dash cam videos of law enforcement traffic stops to realize that when bullets start flying, no one is standing still. The static range...
Consulting - Vickers Tactical
Vickers Tactical has provided specialized consulting services for various companies in the firearms industry, including Blue Force Gear, Heckler & Koch, Crimson Trace Lasergrips, …
Night Sights - Vickers Tactical
This topic will be covered in a separate Tactical Tips article. 2) During the day completely ignore the night sights and use them as standard black pistol sights. The reason is very rarely do the …
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