Manhack - Half-Life Wiki
The Manhack, referred to as Viscerator by the Overwatch Voice and simply Hack by Citizens and Rebels, is a flying, gyroscopic device with three razor-sharp blades that constantly spin at extremely high speeds. They are able to cause mediocre damage to anything they collide with.
Manhack - Combine OverWiki, the original Half-Life wiki and …
The Manhack, referred to as a Viscerator in Combine terminology, and simply Hacks by Citizens and Rebels, is an autonomous aerial weapon used by the Combine.
CPs and Overwatch use these terms. What do they mean?
Jun 12, 2014 · Viscerator stands for Manhack (the Overwatch refers to it like that). Not so sure about winder, but it probably means the same.
Viscerator - Image Comics Database | Fandom
Viscerator is the sister of Violator and former servant of Malebolgia. She was one of the old foes of Medieval Spawn and later joins forces with Frank Bishop to take revenge on the Scorched. This character is or was an ally of Spawn and/or its supporting cast.
Viscerator - Villains Wiki | Fandom
Viscerator is the sister of the violator born likely after her brothers and she served Malebolgia like her kin. She was also there when Violator was defeated by Medieval Spawn which has Viscerator convincing her lord to make him into a clown.
Viscerator | The Universal Union Roblox Wiki | Fandom
The Viscerator is a drone issued to members of the SPEAR field division. It has three sharp blades that spin at high speeds, able to hack and slash through players, hence the colloquial name "Manhack."
Eviscerator - WARFRAME Wiki
Eviscerators are Grineer units that were released with the Fomorian Event. They feature higher armor and health than the regular Grineer Lancer. The Grineer Eviscerator is equipped with the Miter that fires large saw blade projectiles, acting much like the Glaive when thrown.
Viscerator (Character) - Comic Vine
Viscerator last edited by abdullah5122 on 02/19/25 01:44PM View full history No description Font-size. Paragraph; Header 4; Header 3; Header 2; Quote Link ...
Viscerator | Spawn Wiki | Fandom
Viscerator is a newer antagonist and a sister to the Phlebiac Brothers.
Eviscerator | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove
Feb 25, 2024 · Eviscerator is a Rare Attack Void champion from Dark Elves faction in Raid Shadow Legends. Full guide on artifacts and masteries.