typography - What category of font is the Vox logo? - Graphic …
The Vox logo is an example of a "fat face" typeface–an ultra-bold Didone typeface, a style that was popular from the early nineteenth century. (Bold type didn't exist in the eighteenth century.) (Bold type didn't exist in the eighteenth century.)
What font does Vox use for their videos?
May 2, 2021 · What's the name of this thick, bold font that Vox uses mostly for their videos? I'm working on a poster, and I feel like this font would really work with it, so I would love to know the name of the font. If you could help me it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
illustration - What style features disproportionate figures, bright ...
Dec 29, 2019 · From The Goods by Vox: Also from Vox: I have seen designs like this popping up everywhere, but when trying to search for it/tips on how to achieve a similar style, the only label I could find was broadly 'flat design' (or Flat Design 2.0, like in this question, but which doesn't narrow down on the shapes themselves or the grainy shadows). The ...
What is an overline in typography? - Graphic Design Stack Exchange
Apr 3, 2019 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Graphic Design Stack Exchange
Q&A for Graphic Design professionals, students, and enthusiasts. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, …
How to check if my logo is a duplicate of another logo?
Feb 13, 2015 · Try posting you logo in graphic design communities and getting feedback, chances are that if the logo is really similar, someone will notice. As for "parameters" I don't know if you mean "how close your logo can be without being copying," but it's a good idea to stay away from similar logos simply for brand identity and originality's sake anyway.
Open type sans serif fonts with true small caps
Feb 2, 2013 · Today I went on a crusade to find free sanserif fonts with true small caps. Not easy to find online. There are a lot of only small caps, without regular small letters.
How you can rework logo to fit favicon of browser - 16x16px?
Jul 7, 2013 · the problem is that there is train on logo, train is impossible to represent with [a] square, and trying to represent it inside 16x16 makes [the] main element too small to have any sense. Without more information, I can only speculate; but consider this: Look at the train, identify the main features that define it's character.
How to make logos visually equal? - Graphic Design Stack Exchange
Logos will rarely work well together, but to get the best results you should imagine a grid and each logo should somehow be centered in its own box, like in this image below. Obviously some fonts will look larger than others, but this is probably the best you can do and people are used to "reading" these logo walls.
What font is typically used for receipts?
Aug 1, 2014 · Like DA01 says, finding an exact match isn't happening. The font in the receipt is a monospaced sans serif, so if you pick one that's close you could rough it up a bit to make it feel right: Monaco, DejaVu Sans Mono, OCR-A, and OCR-B.