Character Birthdays - Anime Characters Database
Feb 3, 2015 · Find out which anime characters were born today and discover who shares your birthday. We have birth dates for thousands of characters.
Characters born in March
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Characters born in October
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Anime Characters Database
Identify and discover animated characters through our visual search; mini-games, quotes, cosplay and more! Claim an anime girl as your waifu.
Characters born in November - Anime Characters Database
Follow us on for daily Birthday notifications NOTE: This page uses a cached copy of characters data. New characters and recent edits will not be reflected in results until tomorrow. The order of the characters is based on Tributes by members. Characters with more Wealth appear first!
Characters born on April 14th
April 14th birthdays including Bijou Koseki, Ruika Euphrasie Suzurikawa, Grace Howard, Ryouta Watari, Gabi Braun and many more.
December 9 - Anime Characters Database
Aug 2, 2017 · Identify and discover animated characters through our visual search; mini-games, quotes, cosplay and more! Claim an anime girl as your waifu.
Characters born in September
Follow us on for daily Birthday notifications NOTE: This page uses a cached copy of characters data. New characters and recent edits will not be reflected in results until tomorrow. The order of the characters is based on Tributes by members. Characters with more Wealth appear first!
Characters born in January
Follow us on for daily Birthday notifications NOTE: This page uses a cached copy of characters data. New characters and recent edits will not be reflected in results until tomorrow. The order of the characters is based on Tributes by members. Characters with more Wealth appear first!
Characters born on December 9th
December 9th birthdays including Momoka Kawaragi, Saito Hiraga, Keroro, Keiko Takamura, Hozumi Kohinata and many more.