process - Linux kernel - wait queues - Stack Overflow
Oct 12, 2013 · I'm reading "Linux kernel development 3rd edition by Robert Love" to get a general idea about how the Linux kernel works..( I'm confused about how wait queues work for …
queue - The difference between wait_queue_head and wait_queue …
Nov 23, 2013 · From Linux Device Drivers: The wait_queue_head_t type is a fairly simple structure, defined in <linux/wait.h>. It contains only a lock variable and a linked list of sleeping …
what is the difference between simple sleeping (using wait_event ...
Sep 21, 2014 · If my understanding is correct, wait_queue_t seems to be a process entry but wait_queue_head_t seems to be the wait queue to store the list of processes which …
british english - Do BrE speakers ever 'wait in queue'? Or 'wait in a ...
Do BrE speakers say, in good, idiomatic BrE, ' wait in queue '? (= AmE: 'wait in line') Do BrE speakers say, in good, idiomatic BrE, ' wait in a/the queue '? (= AmE 'wait in the a/the queue') …
linux kernel - Why does wait queue implementation wait on a loop …
Jun 25, 2012 · A common use case for wait queues is with interrupts. Perhaps your kernel driver is currently waiting on three different conditions, each of which will be awoken with an …
What is the purpose of putting a thread on a wait queue with a ...
May 27, 2018 · Yes, it is possible to put single thread to wait (using set_current_state() and schedule()) and resume it later (using wake_up_process). But this requires writing some code …
c# - awaitable Task based queue - Stack Overflow
Oct 23, 2011 · The beauty of this is that the SemaphoreSlim handles all of the complexity of implementing the Wait() and WaitAsync() functionality. The downside is that queue length is …
How is wait_for_completion different from wakeup_interruptible
Jul 24, 2012 · Adding on Harman answer, I would also say that those two functions are called in different context: wakeup_interruptible() will wake up all threads waiting on a wait_queue, …
javascript - JS async / await tasks queue - Stack Overflow
Nov 23, 2020 · 1. Tasks per time This is our responsibility! We can get the current size of the queue at any time: size = queue.size. Your outer script needs a "fail-over" case for a steadily …
linux kernel - Wait queue and race condition - Stack Overflow
Jul 14, 2020 · The loop is terminated via break. However, that code exhibits another pattern, which checks the condition between prepare_to_wait and schedule call. And that code is …