Waverider - Wikipedia
A waverider is a hypersonic aircraft design that improves its supersonic lift-to-drag ratio by using the shock waves being generated by its own flight as a lifting surface, a phenomenon known as compression lift.
Boeing X-51 Waverider - Wikipedia
The Boeing X-51 Waverider is an unmanned research scramjet experimental aircraft for hypersonic flight at Mach 5 (3,300 mph; 5,300 km/h) and an altitude of 70,000 feet (21,000 m). The aircraft was designated X-51 in 2005. It completed its …
乘波构型 - 百度百科
所谓乘波构型 (Waverider),是指一种外形是流线形, 其所有的前缘都具有附体 激波 的超音速或高超音速的飞行器。通俗的讲,乘波构型飞行器飞行时其前缘平面与激波的上表面重合,就像骑在激波的波面上,依靠激波的压力产生升力,所以叫乘波构型(Waverider)。
X-51乘波者試驗機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
X-51乘波者 (英語: X-51 WaveRider)是 美國 波音 研發的一種 無人 極音速 試驗機,最高速度可達音速5.1倍,是美國為數不少的 超音速燃烧冲压发动机 試驗機之一。 首架乘波者在2010年5月26日完成了 音速 5倍的試驗,最後一次試驗在2013年5月1日,歷次試驗總共四次。 X-51之所以獲名「乘波」(WaveRider)是因為它能靠著「駕馭」所生產 衝擊波 來形成「壓縮升力」。 一架X-51A乘波者試驗機裝備於 B-52同溫層堡壘轟炸機 上準備進行試射。
乘波体(Waverider)的技术概念与Z高达的诞生 - 哔哩哔哩
Zeta Gundam 前期型的主要设计思路是利用Waverider模式下,乘波体外形高速低阻分散热量的优势来高速突入大气圈,得益于WR原理的优势,机体在突破电离层之后仍然可以保持5-7马赫的高速飞行。 虽然Waverider模式下吸取了FXA-00的经验,已经将空气动力学外形设计的可以适应大气圈内一般的巡航飞行要求,但出于大气圈内航空战斗力的要求,卡拉巴提出需要更稳定的大气圈内飞行用改型。 应卡拉巴的要求,开发了FXA-01K飞行装甲,代号是“Wave Shooter”,可见翼面 …
An overview of research on waverider design methodology
Nov 1, 2017 · A waverider is any supersonic or hypersonic lifting body that is characterized by an attached, or nearly attached, bow shock wave along its leading edge. Because of the excellent aerodynamic configuration of the waverider, it has always attracted the attention of researchers, especially aerodynamic configuration designers [1].
X-51A Waverider > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
The experimental X-51A Waverider is an unmanned, autonomous supersonic combustion ramjet-powered hypersonic flight test demonstrator for the U.S. Air Force. The X-51A is designed to be launched from an airborne B-52 Stratofortress bomber.
Waverider (character) - Wikipedia
Waverider (Matthew Ryder) is a superhero appearing in media published by DC Comics universe. He was created by Archie Goodwin and Dan Jurgens, with the first version of the character, Matthew Ryder, first appearing in Armageddon 2001 #1 (May 1991). [1]
Hypersonic Waveriders - Optimized Waveriders - Aerospaceweb.org
We can now learn how waveriders are optimized based on the characteristics of the assumed flowfield. The waverider owes its origins to work done on winged atmospheric reentry vehicles in the 1950s.
ウエーブライダー 28|ランニング|ミズノ公式オンライン
ウエーブ ライダー シリーズ、最新作。 新素材『MIZUNO ENERZY NXT』を搭載で、反発性とクッション性がさらに向上。 新しいWAVE RIDER 28 をぜひご体感ください。
An overview of research on wide-speed range waverider …
Feb 1, 2020 · This paper reviews and classifies wide-speed-range waverider design methodologies developed up until 2019, including the “combined” wide-speed range waverider, the variable Mach number waverider, the vortex lift waverider, the dual/multistage waverider, the morphing waverider, and some other wide-speed-range waverider designs.
An overview of waverider design concept in airframe/inlet …
Nov 1, 2018 · A waverider is any supersonic or hypersonic lifting body that is characterized by an attached, or nearly attached, bow shock wave along its leading edge.
Python package which allows a user to generate waverider …
Waverider Generator is a python package which can be used to generate hypersonic waveriders based on an efficient parametrisation described in [1]. The method makes use of the oscultating cone inverse design method and four design parameters X1, X2, X3 and X4.
A Novel Direct Optimization Framework for Hypersonic Waverider …
Jun 29, 2022 · Waverider is a hypersonic vehicle that improves the lift-to-drag ratio using the shockwave attached to the leading edge of the lifting surface. Owing to its superior aerodynamic performance, it exhibits a viable external configuration in hypersonic flight conditions.
Hypersonic Waveriders - Vehicle Characteristics - Aerospaceweb.org
Before detailing the specifics of waverider design and performance, we will first look at the characteristics of and design issues related to hypersonic aircraft in general. Based on these generic results, we will see how waveriders represent optimum …
Waverider Design Using Osculating Method | AIAA Journal
Mar 19, 2024 · This paper presents an overview of research on waverider design methodologies using osculating theory developed until 2023. The design theory and detailed implementation of the osculating cone method are first described, followed by the progress and improvement of the method and the derived osculating flowfield method.
Recent development of integrated design and improving methods …
Nov 11, 2024 · For its outstanding aerodynamic capabilities, the integrated design of the waverider and inlet is widely accepted in hypersonic aircraft. Three aspects of the integrated design of the waverider and inlet since 2020 are mainly described in this paper. Firstly, the advantages and shortcomings of the conventional integrated design are examined.
Design Optimization of a Waverider to Enhance the Aerodynamic ...
Jul 27, 2024 · Waveriders, with their distinctive design, stand out for their ability to achieve the highest L/D ratios in the realm of hypersonic vehicles. The specific focus of the present study lies in the modeling of a waverider, employing the Haack series for nose design.
An overview of research on waverider design methodology
Nov 1, 2017 · A waverider is any supersonic or hypersonic lifting body that is characterized by an attached, or nearly attached, bow shock wave along its leading edge. Because of the excellent aerodynamic configuration of the waverider, it has always attracted the attention of researchers, especially aerodynamic configuration designers [1].
An overview of waverider design concept in airframe/inlet …
Nov 1, 2018 · A novel design methodology for waverider is proposed based on the conical flow field, named volume-improved osculating-cone waveriders. The new waverider is generated through three given curves, including flow capture curve, inlet capture curve, and curve of the center of exit shock.