L1 Ultramaximizer Peak Limiter Plugin - Waves Audio
Advanced level maximizer, look-ahead peak limiter and high-resolution re-quantizer, all in one powerful industry-standard plugin for mastering and mixing.
- Reviews: 326
Limiter Plugins - Waves Audio
From the original L1 Ultramaximizer™ to the 16-band L3-16 Multimaximizer™ all-in-one mastering plugin, Waves peak limiter plugins ensure that your sound comes through loud and clear.
L1 Limiter by Waves - Plugins (VST, AU) | Splice
Ideal for any audio application from multimedia to mastering, the L1 is world-renowned for its transparency and punch. Get L1 Limiter by Waves and learn how to use the plugin with …
Waves L1 Ultramaximizer Plug-in | Sweetwater
Smooth out your jagged audio peaks with Waves' L1 Ultramaximizer — an industry standard for mixing and mastering music or multimedia. It packs look-ahead peak limiting, level maximization, and high-res re-quantization, all rolled into one powerful processor.
L1 Ultramaximizer by Waves - Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter) …
Transparent and punchy, L1 offers true peak limiting that eliminates inter-sample clipping. It maximizes both the level of the digital signal and the resolution of the final file. It offers superb re-quantization for all bit depths.
Buy L1 Ultramaximizer | Limiter | Plugin Boutique
Maximize Mastering Levels with the Classic Look-Ahead Peak Limiter. Waves’ first-ever limiter, L1 quickly became a favorite among audio engineers, whether to control peaks, change the dynamics and character of musical instruments, or make …
Waves L1 Ultramaximizer – Thomann United States
Limiter Plug-in (Download) Look Ahead peak limiter for maximum loudness, IDR Dither with noise shaping, Consists of L1 Limiter and L1+Ultramaximizer
Waves L1 Ultramaximizer - Limiter VST Audio Plugin
Waves L1 Ultramaximizer: Mono/stereo limiter with refined resolution control. Maximize Mastering Levels with the Classic Look-Ahead Peak Limiter.
Waves L1 Ultramaximizer - Gearspace
A peak limiter / level maximizer plugin, the L1 Ultramaximizer includes the L1 Limiter and L1+ Ultramaximizer components, IDR™ Increased Digital Resolution dither with noise shaping filter, and double precision bit resolution processing.
- Reviews: 5
Waves L1 Ultramaximizer Peak Limiter Plug-In
The Waves L1 Ultramaximizer Peak Limiter Plug-In offers advanced level maximizer, look-ahead peak limiter and high-resolution re-quantizer, all in one powerful industry-standard plugin for mastering and mixing.