WebP Gallery | Google for Developers
Dec 20, 2024 · WebP images are consistently over 30% smaller than their JPEG counterparts. The gallery includes five example images from various sources, each with downloadable JPEG, WebP, and PNG files.
An image format for the Web | WebP | Google for Developers
Dec 20, 2024 · WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. Using WebP, webmasters and web developers can create smaller, richer images that make the web faster. WebP lossless images are 26% smaller in size compared to PNGs.
WebP ギャラリー | Google for Developers
WebP images are consistently over 30% smaller than their JPEG counterparts. The gallery includes five example images from various sources, each with downloadable JPEG, WebP, and PNG files.
Un format d'image pour le Web | WebP | Google for Developers
WebP est un format d'image moderne qui fournit une compression sans perte et avec perte supérieure pour les images sur le Web. Il permet aux webmasters et aux développeurs Web de créer des images plus petites et plus riches qui rendent le Web plus rapide.
WebP Image Galleries | Google for Developers
Dec 20, 2024 · It presents side-by-side comparisons of images in PNG, WebP-lossless, and WebP-lossy (with alpha) formats in one gallery and JPEG vs. WebP in another. Users can view these image comparisons in the provided links, showcasing the visual results of WebP's lossless and lossy compression and how it handles alpha transparency.
Un formato de imagen para la Web | WebP - Google Developers
WebP es un formato de imagen moderno que proporciona una compresión sin pérdidas y con pérdida superior para imágenes de la Web. Con WebP, los webmasters y desarrolladores web pueden crear imágenes más pequeñas y enriquecidas que permiten navegar más rápido.
Downloading and Installing WebP | Google for Developers
Dec 20, 2024 · These include the libwebp library, encoder (cwebp), decoder (dwebp), viewer (vwebp), muxing tool (webpmux), and GIF converter (gif2webp). A precompiled WebP framework is available for iOS. Users can also download the source code to compile their own binaries, with installation instructions provided.\n"]]
开始使用 | WebP | Google for Developers
WebP 是一种全新的图片格式, 以及许多其他 应用和库. 适用于 WebP 编解码器的 API. WebP 团队提供了一个全面的 API,以允许开发者添加 支持其应用,包括浏览器、图片编辑工具以及 和原生应用. 请参阅API 文档,了解 libwebp 应用编程接口。
常见问题解答 | WebP | Google for Developers
目前,您可以通过将 WebP 文件转换为常用格式来查看 WebP 文件 使用无损压缩文件(例如 PNG) 任何浏览器或图片查看器。 要快速了解 WebP 质量,请参阅 此网站上的 图库 ,用于并排显示照片 比较。
Wprowadzenie | WebP | Google for Developers
dwebp image.webp -o image.png Więcej informacji znajdziesz w dokumentacji usługi dwebp. z dekoderem i opcjami wiersza poleceń. Natywne wyświetlanie obrazów. WebP to nowy format pliku graficznego, który jest natywnie obsługiwany w przeglądarkach Google Chrome, Opera, i wielu innych aplikacji i bibliotek. Interfejs API dla kodeka WebP