Go to the bog - phrase meaning and origin - Phrasefinder
Jul 9, 2008 · I was told that to go to the bog (meaning to go to the toilet) referred to an era when toilets used to be down the bottom of the garden in a separate outhouse - hence ' going down to the Bottom Of the Garden. (British slang, possibly started during Second World War 1939-45-maybe even earlier)
British Slang That Will Confuse Anybody Who Didn't Grow up in …
Nov 3, 2017 · A British axiom that boils down to the idea that: "If anything can go wrong, then it definitely will go wrong." "Sod's law" is often used to explain bad luck or freakish acts of misfortune.
Still don't know how 'bog' originated - phrase meaning and origin
Sep 14, 2003 · I suppose the mind can conjure up some fairly unpleasant pictures, but does anyone actually know why the term 'the bog' is used in reference to going to the toilet, loo, dunny, john, lavatory, wc, etc.? BOG HOUSE. The necessary house. To go to bog; to go to stool. From Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Captain Grose et al.-----bog, n ...
Went to the bog, met some horses - YouTube
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he goes down to the bog and warms his feet - WordReference Forums
Jan 25, 2013 · He goes to the public toilets to get warm. Plenty of native speakers have problems with this song, I can promise you that. My understanding is that "bog" is a slang word for "lavatory" or "restroom."
gone to the bog | English examples in context | Ludwig
High quality example sentences with “gone to the bog” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English
Do people still call the toilets "the bog(s)"? - Reddit
Oct 5, 2023 · Well it was originally I think used for a Victorian portable toilet bog (see pic of a wooden Victorian portable Thunderbox on Wikipedia) so makes sense that people use it for the modern equivalent. But yeah people use it ironically/affectionately for standard bogs too…
Survived a bog : r/WildernessBackpacking - Reddit
Oct 28, 2021 · Horror stories/legends exist of pioneers to the area who disappeared beneath a floating bog mat and were unable to find their way out again- and eventually drowned/succumbed to exposure. Wikipedia has an article on floating bog mats: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_mat
Laura's Birding Blog: Auggie's Bogwalk - Laura Erickson
Feb 6, 2022 · On January 29, when my friend Erik Bruhnke and I went to the bog, my loveliest moments of the day were at the Fringed Gentian Bog, named for an ethereally beautiful wildflower found in this part of the Sax-Zim Bog.
Viagra Boys Share New Song "The Bog Body": Listen - Stereogum
1 day ago · “The Bog Body” is of course accompanied by a ridiculous music video to go with the tune’s mayhem. About it, director Eoin Glaister explains, “I love bog bodies. I’m obsessed.