Home - Working across Wessex
This website aims to provide current and prospective Wessex health and care learners (and other stakeholders) with an overview of all Wessex activity, and to introduce the individuals and teams working across the south east.
Wessex region and hospitals - Working across Wessex
Wessex Foundation School offers F1 training rotations at the following 10 locations. For full details of all available 2-year training rotations please refer to the spreadsheet on this page. Click each location below to see useful information about each site (updated Feb 2024).
About - Working across Wessex
The Wessex Team is part of the NHS England Workforce, Training and Education Directorate in the South East region. Wessex covers a broad area; spanning across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, South Wiltshire, Dorset and the Channel Islands.
Wessex Foundation School - Working across Wessex
Wessex Foundation School is responsible for the education and training for doctors in foundation programme across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Dorset, South Wiltshire and Jersey.
Wessex region map - Working across Wessex
Wessex region map. About. Wessex region map; South East Regional Delivery Plan 2022/23; Wessex local office; Higher education institutes; Local NHS service providers; Local authorities; Contact us; Living in Wessex; Support links. Accessibility; Contact Us; …
Contact us - Working across Wessex
This website is maintained by several Wessex teams. Please raise any queries with each relevant team, via the contact details provided within the individual sections of this website: Learning and Development; Medical and Dental Training; Medical and Dental Recruitment; Supervisors and Educators; Quality; Workforce
Medical and Dental Training - Working across Wessex
NHSE Wessex coordinates the postgraduate training for doctors, dentists and other healthcare professionals. Please use the links below for details about postgraduate medical and dental recruitment, training programmes and processes in Wessex.
Study Leave - Working across Wessex
NHSE Wessex is committed to supporting medical and dental trainees in undertaking study leave activities to achieve their specialty curriculum and support professional development. Study leave budget will cover: Courses/education activities to support trainees to achieve the curriculum; Courses to help trainees prepare for postgraduate exams
Learning and Development - Working across Wessex
Information on the learning and development opportunities in Wessex through courses, conferences and fellowships
Wessex GP School Newsletters - Working across Wessex
Information about the Wessex GP training programme for trainees, educators and practice managers.