Aircraft and Personnel Automated Clearance System
You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only.
leave travel that includes traveler and travel specific information via APACS (Aircraft and Personnel Automated Clearance System). b. This form requests Country Clearance, Theater Clearance, and/or Special Area Clearance based on requirements per the DoD Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG), https://apacs.milcloud.mil/fcg/index.html.
DoD Foreign Clearance Guide - apacs.milcloud.mil
DOD Personnel Country Clearance Procedures for Italy
APACS is mandatory for processing DoD sponsored personnel official foreign travel in all Combatant Commands. APACS may also be mandatory for certain types of leave travel. The unclassified APACS web site is the preferred route for processing Country Clearances for Italy and may be found at https://apacs.dtic.mil.
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command > Resources > Travel Requirements
Electronic Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG): https://apacs.milcloud.mil/fcg. Select left column dropdown, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM), for INDOPACOM country pages. USINDOPACOM Instruction 0536.2, Antiterrorism (AT), Section 7, Travel Requirements. USINDOPACOM instructions are available on SIPRNet.
Aircraft and Personnel Automated Clearance System (APACS)
May 3, 2021 · APACS is a web-based application designed to aid DoD mission planners, aircraft operators and DoD personnel in meeting host nation aircraft diplomatic and personnel travel clearance requirements outlined in the DoD Foreign Clearance Guide.
What is Aircraft and Personnel Automated Clearance System?
Oct 4, 2018 · APACS is a web-based tool to create, submit, coordinate and approve military aircraft and personnel travel clearances (Special Area, Theater and Country) for official and personal travel. I have used the system in recent months for …
APACS How to Guide U.S. Africa Command Theatre Clearance April 2024 version I. Note: APACS approvals come in tiers: country clearance and theatre clearance. These approval levels are independent of each other, but both are required for travel unless specified in the FCG. II. Theater Requirements for Official Travel a.
Department of Defense APACS FAQs - PDF4PRO
A Personnel Request is an online form filled out by an individual for official or leave travel that includes traveler and travel specific information via APACS (Aircraft and Personnel Automated Clearance System).
Foreign-travel employee requirements and tips > Defense …
Aug 17, 2016 · The traveler must complete all requirements before travel and should begin to complete the requirements 45-60 days in advance. The lead time for completing the country clearance in APACS varies by country and ranges from 21 to 45 days.