How do you use "i.e." in a sentence? - English Language & Usage …
Jan 12, 2012 · How does one properly use i.e. in a sentence? I'm not referring to Internet Explorer.
Using i.e. in parentheses - English Language & Usage Stack …
Feb 10, 2011 · When a writer uses parentheses to define a phrase or clarify a word in a sentence, is it appropriate also to use i.e. in the parentheses? That use seems redundant to me.
Is "ie." acceptable or must it always be "i.e."? [closed]
Aug 24, 2017 · When programming I use ie and eg It's informal, probably technically wrong, but it's readable, and unlikely to propagate some badly closed filename five lines up in my code. Periods are too important to flaunt about carelessly.
punctuation - Should I always use a comma after "e.g." or "i.e ...
Jul 13, 2023 · To avoid double punctuation, do not use a comma after i.e. and e.g. I am going to go with Oxford’s recommendation of not using a comma after either i.e. or e.g. purely for aesthetic reasons.
abbreviations - Differences between e.g., viz. and i.e - English ...
You need to use e.g. in your example because the list is not complete e.g. exempli gratia - for example i.e. id est - that is viz. videlicet - that is sc. scilicet - namely (see viz) In contradistinction to i.e. and e.g., viz. is used to indicate a detailed description of something stated before, and when it precedes a list of group members, it implies (near) completeness.
e.g. and i.e. in the middle of a sentence - English Language
Dec 20, 2016 · Instead use ‘for example’ or ‘such as’ or 'like' or ‘including’ - whichever works best in the specific context. ‘ie’ - used to clarify a sentence - isn’t always well understood. Try (re)writing sentences to avoid the need to use it. If that isn’t possible, use an alternative such as ‘meaning’ or ‘that is’.
punctuation - Correct spelling/italicization of e.g., i.e.? - English ...
ie is often found in current usage, and is perhaps now considered acceptable. Personally, I would argue that there's no need whatsoever to italicize "e.g." or "i.e.".
grammar - Is it grammatically incorrect to follow the abbreviations …
Is it grammatically incorrect to follow the abbreviations ie and eg with etc? My daughter's English teacher told her that this in an absolute no-no and is never permitted under any circumstances. H...
Punctuation using e.g. (or i.e.) and lists of examples
Dec 30, 2014 · I've recently started using e.g. and am myself a tiny bit of a language snob but haven't seen this used frequently enough to have come across the "correct" way to punctuate. The second half of my question would be if this is even the best use of e.g. or should only one example follow. I want to clarify but not run on and on.
Should the abbreviation 'i.e.' be used in speech? [closed]
Nov 6, 2012 · It depends on the nature of the speech. In an informal conversation with family and friends you can say what you like. Anyone addressing an audience will speak differently. In such a context the use of abbreviations would sound careless, and possibly even vulgar, to me, but then I've no great enthusiasm for the serious use of abbreviations anyway, particularly Latin ones.