What is the clinical significance of “white bile” from my …
Mar 22, 2017 · “White bile” (WB) (Figure) is a clear sero-mucous secretion of gallbladder that is largely devoid of bilirubin and bile salts. It arises from glycoproteins that are normally secreted …
White bile in patients with malignant biliary obstruction is an ...
White bile is observed in patients with biliary obstruction of either benign or malignant origin. Biochemical analysis showed that white bile was nearly devoid of bilirubin and biliary acids 8 9 …
White Bile in Malignant Biliary Obstruction: A Poor Prognostic …
White bile is a colorless fluid devoid of pigments, bile salts, and cholesterol found in an occluded biliary system. Decolorization of the bile in an obstructed biliary system occurs because the …
White bile: A “clear” misnomer - Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Instead, Ahuja et al.1 have defined “white” bile as a “translucent, colorless, secretory fluid” that is occasionally found in patients with biliary obstruction. It is further defined as being “neither …
White bile (with video) - Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
White bile is a misnomer, referring to the colorless fluid occasionally found in occluded bile ducts but more commonly found in the gallbladder (hydrops) with cystic duct obstruction.
The etiology of "white bile" in the biliary tree - PubMed
"White bile" is the colorless fluid occasionally found in occluded biliary systems. The absence of pigments in this "bile" was not satisfactorily explained. The objectives of this study were to …
The most characteristic bile obtained is thick and dark green, but occasionally there is found so-called white bile. The type of bile obtained in each instance has prognostic as well as …
White bile in patients with malignant biliary obstruction is an ...
White bile was defined as bile duct fluid with bilirubin level < 20 µmol/L. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify variables associated with overall survival …
White bile | definition of white bile by Medical dictionary
white bile bile without the usual color resulting from bile pigments. The term is commonly used to designate the relatively clear, almost colorless viscid fluid that occurs in the gallbladder, bile …
White bile: a "clear" misnomer - PubMed
White bile: a "clear" misnomer. White bile: a "clear" misnomer. White bile: a "clear" misnomer Gastrointest Endosc. 2002 Nov;56(5):782-3. doi: 10.1067/mge.2002.128701. Author Joseph C …