Whitetop | National Invasive Species Information Center
Species Profile: Whitetop. Crowds out native species and reduces crop yields (Zouhar 2004)
All three whitetop species have small white flowers with four petals and six stamens and grayish-green, arrowhead shaped leaves that clasp around the stem at their base.
Stem leaves are grayish– to bluish-green, arrowhead-shaped, with smooth and occasionally finely-toothed edges. All leaves have a cover-ing of soft white hairs.
Whitetop/Hoary Cress – Whatever You Call It, Livestock Love it!
Jun 18, 2013 · Whitetop is part of the mustard family and it’s leaves and flowers have a radish-like flavor. The USDA Forest Service’s Fire Effects Information System says that white top and …
Lepidium draba (White-top) - Minnesota Wildflowers
Flattish clusters at the top of the plant and the tips of branching stems arising from upper leaf axils. Flowers are about ¼ inch across with 4 white paddle-shaped petals, 6 stamens and a …
Whitetop - Methow Conservancy
A flat or dome-shaped cluster of tiny white flowers tops each stem; each flower has four petals. Flowers become cream-colored with age. At first, leaves form a rosette at the base of the stem …
Whitetop | AZ Invasive Plants
Numerous small, fragrant white flowers with 4 petals, in dense flat-topped clusters atop plant. Gives plant a “white topped” appearance. Usually blooms in April through August. Seed pods …
White Flowering Weeds (With Pictures): Identification Guide
Aug 30, 2023 · White-flowering weeds can be native or non-native plants. They often exhibit rapid growth, resilience, and adaptability, making them difficult to control or eradicate in cultivated or …
Plant Leaves Turning White and Dying: 6 Causes, Solutions & Best ...
White leaves can be caused by a variety of factors, including fungal infections, sunscald, and nutritional deficiencies. Preventive measures such as proper care, adequate water and …
19 Beautiful White Flowering Shrubs (With Pictures) - Identification
Sep 22, 2023 · White flowering shrubs bloom with some of the most elegant, romantic, and attractive flowers on any plant. The beauty of choosing shrubs with white blooms is that you …