Pros and Cons of the Wing Keel (5 Surprising Benefits)
Advantages of the Wing Keel Shallow draft. The main reason the wing keel gained popularity is that it offers better clearance. The horizontal wing enlarges the keel's surface area and so it …
Wing Keel - how does it work? | SailNet Community
Nov 12, 2010 · The 'wing' came into popularity after the Aussies took the AC from the US, when Ben Lexcan designed the 12 meter around a winged keel concept - in theory the wings add an …
Sailboat Keel Types Compared: Pros and Cons of 13 Types
Wing Keel Pros of wing keel. The wing keel is an innovative design that has gained popularity among sailors due to its unique features and benefits. One of the main advantages of this keel …
Pros/Cons of Wing Keel - SailNet Community
Apr 5, 2006 · PHRF Ratings J-40 wing (UFO) 90 J-40 deep keel 78 so that's 12 seconds a mile assuming a mixed course. J-37 wing (UFO) 84 J-37 deep keel 69 These ratings from the …
Wing Keel vs Fin Keel . . . Confused . . . - Cruisers & Sailing Forums
Most wing keels are in place to reduce the draft of a deep fin keel. The boat is often offered with both options. Deep fin keel or shallow(er) draft wing keel. If you look at the PHRF rating for the …
Wing vs Fin Keel - SailNet Community
May 16, 2004 · Wing keels are a specialized type of bulb keel. Instead of a torpedo shaped bulb there are small lead wings more or less perpendicular to the keel. These concentrate weight …
Winged Keels Pros & Cons - SailNet Community
Jan 23, 2002 · At best the average production wing keel concentrates weight lower in the keel, like a bulb and perhaps when properly designed they also are moderately efficient in reducing …
Fin vs bulb vs wing keels - SailNet Community
Oct 11, 2012 · The wing keel also provides damping benefit to rolling due to its overall surface area and flow resistance at the root. The bulb keel provides no damping benefit from the bulb …
How Does the Winged Keel Work? - Improve Sailing
Wing keel has wings on the sides of the main keel, while full keel runs the entire length of the boat: Wing keel provides additional lift and reduces drag, improving performance in light wind …
Catalina "Wing Keel"? - SailNet Community
Sep 9, 2010 · CD, I respect your opinions but having hired wing keel Catalinas on the Gippsland Lakes, I would seriously dispute that statement on this basis: If you run aground - in shallow …