What does wink and nod mean? In which context is it used?
Jul 24, 2014 · a nod and a wink| a nod is as good as a wink: used to say that a suggestion or a hint will be understood, without anything more being said. Everything could be done by a nod and a wink. it generally implies quiet agreement and consent. A nod is as good as a wink:
wink and nod - WordReference Forums
Oct 22, 2011 · What does the phrase "wink and nod" or "wink-and-nod" mean in the following sentences?: *So no litmus test on abortion -- except the protection of “women’s rights,” which everyone in the room understood as a reference to abortion. Obama’s pose of neutrality came with a theatrical wink and nod. Everyone got the joke.
wink and a nod | WordReference Forums
May 1, 2007 · Betito, busca por nod en Word Reference y encontrarás una consulta en el foro llamada 'with a wink and a nod', para que te des una idea. Además te transcribo el ejemplo de mi Oxford: a nod and a wink: he didn't say I could, but he gave me a nod and a wink: no me dijo que sí, pero me lo dio a entender.
a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse - WordReference Forums
Sep 14, 2006 · On the other hand, a much more extended use of a similar expression (the one you are pointing out here) "a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse" where the more subtle signal, the wink, comes after the nod, (meaning the nod is as useless as the wink or anything else, for that matter, to transmit meaning) << --- >>
with a wink and a nod | WordReference Forums
Mar 29, 2006 · "a nod is as good as a wink" = a buen entendedor pocas palabras le bastan Así que, dentro de tu contexto, parece que Merkel sostiene que la ciudadanía no se puede conceder así por así, sin requisitos, sin pasar esa "prueba de ciudadanía". ¿Qué te parece "La ciudadanía no se puede conceder con sólo una palmadita en la espalda"?
A nod is as good as a wink - WordReference Forums
Feb 17, 2013 · Le contexte: - a friend is studying German online in Australia - He had a few tests, send them away - 2 weeks later - He is still waiting for the results - He wrote an email to the Uni - His teacher told him - Yes you passed - a nod is as good as a wink - and then because he is also learning French - He asked me to translate this expression - I ...
A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat! - WordReference Forums
Jun 7, 2007 · A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat!", is said in a sketch by Monty Python where there are only colloquial expressions like: say no more!, know what I mean. The point is that I would like to know whether it has an extra meaning within British culture or it is just a saying they use nonsense.
a nod and a wink - WordReference Forums
Jun 6, 2007 · "Armed with a few billion dollars, a handful of NGOs and a nod and a wink from the US State Department, it is perfectly possible to topple foreign governments that are bad for business" Dear Safiya, There is the expression "A nod's as good as a wink" which refers to something that you say when you have understood what was meant by something ...
A wink and a nod - WordReference Forums
Jul 12, 2007 · Je ne comprends pas l'expression "a wink and a nod" ici : "To extend what she called "a personal invitation" to these loyal moviegoers, she said, Warner Bros has created commercials that give "a wink and a nod" to bilinguals. For example, an English-language ad might feature a Spanish-language song."
hacer un guiño / nod, wink | WordReference Forums
Oct 16, 2012 · My question is about the spanish expression "hacer un guiño a alguien/algo". Basicamente significa lo siguiente: evidencia una referencia "oculta" o un doble sentido no expresado directamente dentro de un mensaje dado. In other WR threads a couple of translations have been already given...