witness-P .45? | The High Road
Feb 20, 2004 · I am not sure if opportunity is knocking or not. I have a chance to purchase an EAA, witness-p, double action, .45 auto, polymer with a spare mag, and a cheapo holster for 400$. It looks mint, it was fired, not enough to show wear marks, and has been cleaned. I do not know the seller, so I...
Witness Elite Match .45 - Making it Better | The High Road
Aug 18, 2010 · I am very pleased with my recently acquired Elite Match. I felt the grip could be a little better, so I ordered a new set of machined aluminum contoured grip panels from Hennings in Colorado. These are machined from blanks of aluminum and although I was skeptical of aluminum grips (I'm a...
The High Road
45.6K Messages 844.8K. Smith & Wesson model 24-6 Lew Horton. It's a beaut. 5 minutes ago; joneb; Handguns ...
Eaa witness suppressed,Info | The High Road
Apr 4, 2005 · Thread starter babyeagle40; Start date Apr 4, 2005; Status Not open for further replies.
Video - EAA's 10mm Witness | The High Road
Mar 20, 2012 · In this video we shoot European American Armory's 10mm stell Witness pistol. EAA's Witness pistols are made by Tanfoglio in Italy.
Question on buddy's 'new' gun | The High Road
Jun 12, 2011 · One of my hunting/shooting buddies just bought a used gun from his friend for a 'brother-in-law' price according to him. (I do not know what that price was.) The gun is an EAA Witness, a medium sized .45 ACP. The gun was used, dirty as crap, looked to have never been introduced to lube...
2006 Witness Polymer Compact .45 ACP | The High Road
May 17, 2006 · 2006 Witness Polymer Compact .45 ACP. Thread starter Murphster; Start date May 17, 2006; Status
EAA Witness question | The High Road
Sep 16, 2015 · I have had a Witness Elite Match 10mm for several years. It is SA-only and has what I'd characterize as a "toy" safety--very low activation effort required--so I wouldn't carry it. It sure shoots nice, though, and I think I've only had one failure in three years and maybe a thousand rounds...
"Upgrading" CCW; looking at two; help? | The High Road
Dec 23, 2007 · Currently carry Kel-Tec P3-AT .380 OWB in Fobus paddle-style; looking for bigger; not necessarily more rounds. I like the looks of the European American Armory (EAA) Tangfolio Witness Compact...comes in .40 and .45; Para Ordinance has a 1911 and "Wart Hawg" and "Night Hawg" in .45. The EAA is...
10mm ammo ?'s | The High Road
Jun 8, 2003 · I don't find factory 10mm to be more than .45 or .357 SIG prices locally. I'm not one to carry reloads for self-defensive purposes. I like the 180 gr Hyra-Shock load very much. Use a variety of ammo for outdoors/plinking in my 10MM Witness.