Arko'narin Starshade - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
Arko'narin Starshade is a young night elf who came to Felwood with one of her closest friends, Trey Lightforge, looking for signs of the Shadow Council in the area. The pair was captured and imprisoned by the Council members in a cage in Shadow Hold.
Captured Arko'narin - NPC - Classic World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Look at this... all these candles. I'm sure they're used for some terrible ritual or dark summoning. We best make haste! You will not stop me from escaping here, Jaedenar Guardian! You will pay for what you've done to Trey, Jaedenar Legionnaire! You will not stop me from escaping here, Spirit of Trey Lightforge!
Arko'narin Starshade - NPC - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
This NPC can be found in Felwood (3) and The Veiled Sea. Arko'narin Starshade says: Nicer? There's a reason she and Father wouldn't let you come here, brother. This place was already far gone by the time you were born. Because I do not need you worrying over me. Come on. Help keep the database up to date!
Captured Arko'narin - NPC - Classic wow database
This NPC can be found in Felwood.
So Arko Narin - General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums
Sep 6, 2023 · She’s just an ordinary warrior who uses a sword of a Human Paladin friend of hers. She was involved in a quest in Classic that probably only 1% of the playerbase even …
Arko'narin | WoWWiki - Fandom
Arko'narin is a young night elf who is being held captive by the Shadow Council in Shadow Hold. She is a friend of Trey Lightforge, who was tortured to death. Despite her appearance and level of 48, she can tank quite well. During her escort quest, she has a …
Arko'narin Starshade - NPC - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
This NPC can be found in Stormwind City (2). Arko'narin Starshade says: Meet us in Felwood, champion. We will be waiting for you there. You're the one always telling me to be strong in …
Arko'narin - NPC - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
If anyone's wondering what happened to Arko'narin, I posted a ticket about her, and here's the GM's response: "The current whereabouts of Arko'narin are unknown. After her escape from Shadow Hold, she departed for Darnassus as planned, but went deep cover in …
The Clarion Call - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
It is automatically offered to night elf characters who are level 50 or above. It can also be started from the [Sealed Kaldorei Scroll] on a table inside the Stormwind Embassy. Finally, it can be accepted through Adventure Guide. Speak with Arko'narin Starshade near the Stormwind Embassy in Stormwind City.
Captured Arko'narin | WoWWiki - Fandom
Captured Arko'narin is a level 48 quest giver located in a cage in Shadow Hold in the contested territory of Felwood. If you talk to her after finishing [55] Rescue From Jaedenar, you will be...
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