Fresh Life Choo – A Kenyan Innovation Revolutionizing Sanitation.
Nov 27, 2024 · Fresh Life Choo is being deployed in various settings in Kenya, including urban slums, rural villages, and commercial establishments. By providing affordable and sustainable sanitation solutions, it is empowering communities to improve their quality of life.
A Woman of Vision: Leah Wambui's Entrepreneurial Journey.
Nov 6, 2024 · Leah Wambui, a Kenyan entrepreneur, has defied expectations and shattered glass ceilings in the male-dominated real estate industry. Born and raised in Kenya, Wambui’s journey from a humble receptionist to a successful real estate mogul is a testament to her unwavering determination and entrepreneurial spirit.
Africa To The World - Wode Maya
Jun 15, 2021 · This is project broadcasting on all Wode Maya Social Media Channels. It brings to viewers in Africa, the African diaspora and people who have an interest in Africa, insights on the Africa they don’t usually see or hear about on mainstream media.
Wode Maya
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Videos - Wode Maya
An African Vlogger / YouTuber who started vlogging to change the negative stereotypes about Africans living in china, has grown to be the welcome train for the African diaspora.
Travel &Tour – Wode Maya
Jul 17, 2024 · Sweet T&T. A twin island made up of diverse people including the French, Patois, English, Portuguese, Asian and Africans making up one of the 6 th regions of Africa.. Surrounded by these 4 oceans; North Caribbean sea, East Atlantic ocean, South Columbus Channel and West Gulf of Paria, Water Taxi is a popular means of transportation.
About - Wode Maya
With a degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Shenyang Aerospace University, China, Wode Maya has, over the years been able to create a niche for himself in the area of Social Media Content creation and in a space of a few years; his channel grew in popularity, attracting over 800,000 subscribers and millions of views.
Blog – Wode Maya
Wode Maya . Typically replies within few mins . I will be back soon
Projects - Wode Maya
The Maya Experience. An experience aimed at deepening your love for Africa through the cultural, economic and historical activities. Don’t just watch, live the African experience.
Welcome To Our Blog – Wode Maya
Jun 15, 2021 · My name is Kobina Ackon but you may know me as WODE MAYA. I am a Ghanaian freelance Vlogger/YouTuber. As a result of my documented visits to several African countries (20 & counting), my videos capture several fun and compelling stories with particular focus on, inspirational videos from Africans contributing to the development of Africa.