How does the stack work in assembly language?
Feb 17, 2009 · Eli Bendersky, Stack frame layout on x86-64 - args passing on x64, stack frame, red zone; University of Mariland, Understanding the Stack - a really well-written introduction to …
x86 64 - Difference between x86, x32, and x64 architectures?
Sep 19, 2015 · In Linux terminology, i386 is the 32bit ISA, and amd64 is the 64bit ISA, also called x86-64. x86 is the superset, so x86-32 (i386) and x86-64 (amd64) are the two flavours of x86. …
x86 - What is stack frame in assembly? - Stack Overflow
Sep 13, 2010 · As each item is pushed onto the stack, the stack grows down. That is, the stack-pointer register is decremented by four (4) bytes (in 32-bit mode), and the item is copied to the …
What is the direction of stack growth in most modern systems?
Jul 1, 2019 · All registers (except the zero register) are general purpose so in theory any register can be a stack pointer, and the stack can grow in any direction the programmer wants. That …
assembly - x86 where stack pointer points? - Stack Overflow
The difference between the 8086/8088 and later x86 CPUs (starting with the 186) is the value pushed onto the stack if the stack pointer itself is pushed (PUSH SP): It used to be the value …
Responsibility of stack alignment in 32-bit x86 assembly
Oct 28, 2016 · I am trying to get a clear picture of who (caller or callee) is reponsible of stack alignment. The case for 64-bit assembly is rather clear, that it is by caller. Referring to System …
How are stacks in windows x86 stack defined?
Finally, assuming a stack is stored in the user-allocated virtual memory of an application on 32-bit windows on x86, the stack pointer (which references the high or low memory address?) is a 31 …
x86 64 - Understanding how the stack in assembly works - Stack …
Jan 13, 2022 · Here, you subtract 8 from the stack pointer because you put values (8 bytes) on the stack using scanf. You put RBP in RCX. Then you decrement it and put the content of …
How exactly does the callstack work? - Stack Overflow
Jun 2, 2014 · The offset is negative because the stack grows downwards on x86. The next operation stores c in EAX: EAX is moved to ESI, cout is moved to EDI and then the insertion …
x86 and x64 stack frames
Nov 28, 2009 · What is the difference when the compiler allocates variables on the stack in x86 v x64 architectures? Say I have a function foo(){ int i = 5; i += 4; } how is this allocated on the stack