Xenotime - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Xenotime, a phosphate ore, is one of the valuable mineral deposits of rare earths similar to monazite. The main characteristics of xenotime are listed below: (1) The content of yttrium is high while that of the light rare earths is low ( Table 12 ).
Xenotime - Wikipedia
Xenotime is a rare-earth phosphate mineral, the major component of which is yttrium orthophosphate (Y P O 4). It forms a solid solution series with chernovite- (Y) (Y As O 4) and therefore may contain trace impurities of arsenic, as well as silicon dioxide and calcium.
Hydrothermal formation of heavy rare earth element (HREE)–xenotime …
Jan 24, 2018 · Our fluid inclusion data from quartz coevally precipitated with xenotime provide unique insights into the little-known hydrothermal HREE deposits in sedimentary basins. At the Wolverine deposit, xenotime precipitated along with an oxidized assemblage of hematite and minor anhydrite at 100–120 °C.
Locations of Deposits - MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Xenotime preferentially incorporates heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) while monazite incorporates light rare earth elements (LREEs). This is important because LREEs are much more readily available and therefore a xenotime deposit may …
Xenotime-(Y): Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Xenotime-(Y) was found by the Norwegian mineralogist Nils Otto Tank (1800-1864) and first described by the Swedish chemist Jøns Jacob Berzelius in 1824 as Phosphorsyrad Ytterjord from a granite pegmatite at Hidra, Flekkefjord, Norway. …
Geochemical characterisation of xenotime formation environments …
May 5, 2018 · From published works, we review the U-Th-contents of well-characterised examples of xenotime formation to provide chemical fingerprints, which assist in identifying the xenotime formation environment.
50 Facts About Xenotime
Dec 9, 2024 · China has significant xenotime deposits, especially in the Jiangxi and Guangdong provinces. India has xenotime occurrences in the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Russia has deposits in the Ural Mountains and Siberia.
XENOTIME AND MONAZITE, CENTRAL CITY DISTRICT 277 The localities where xenotime and monazite concentrations have been prospected are on the east side of the Central City anticline (fig. 66). Deposit 1, at the Jasper Cuts, is in migmatite; deposit 2, at Fourmile Gulch, and deposit 3, at Illinois Gulch, are in biotite-quartz
Hydrothermal Rare Earth Element (Xenotime ... - GeoScienceWorld
Sep 1, 2017 · The Maw zone rare earth element (xenotime) deposit is hosted in brecciated sandstones in the Athabasca Basin and is associated with silicification, hematitization, and tourmalinization (magnesiofoitite).
Xenotime-(Y) - mindat.org
Xenotime is also known to be diagenetic: It may form as minute grains or as extremely thin (less than 10 µ) coatings on detrital zircon grains in siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. The importance of these diagenetic xenotime deposits in the radiometric dating of sedimentary rocks is only beginning to be realised.
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