How to Say Hello in Vietnamese: 10 Steps (with Pictures ... - wikiHow
Feb 24, 2025 · To say “Hello” in Vietnamese, start with the basic greeting "Xin chào" which is pronounced “sin jow.” If the person you’re greeting is about the same age as you, say "Chào bạn,” pronounced “jow bahn.”
"Hello" in Vietnamese: 10 Vietnamese Greetings You Can Start …
Dec 27, 2019 · “Hello” in Vietnamese – Xin chào. Xin chào is the safest, most polite way of saying “hello” in Vietnamese. You can use it to greet anybody. It's easy to remember because chào sounds just like the Italian greeting “ciao”, which is often used in English. The accent on chào tells you that it's pronounced using the “falling tone ...
xin chào - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Aug 28, 2024 · (Chúng tôi) xin (kính) chào quý vị và các bạn. We'd like to cordially welcome you to our establishment.
「ベトナム語 シンチャオ」の意味とは? Xin chàoの使い方と注 …
Mar 18, 2025 · みなさんも「 Xin chào(シンチャオ)」 という言葉を聞いたことがありますか? ほとんどのベトナム語テキストでは「こんにちは」は、Xin chào ! と紹介されています。 しかし、 「 ベトナム人は Xin chào なんか使わない 」 という意見を聞いたことがあるかもしれません。
Saying Hello in Vietnamese like a native speaker
1. Xin chào. Literally: Hello. Xin chào is often used in formal situations, especially when you have to talk to a group of strangers. For instance, a reporter or a TV presenter may say xin chào to the audiences, or an event host may use it to greet the attendees.
How To Say “Hello” In Vietnamese: 35+ Unique Vietnamese …
Oct 15, 2024 · When starting a conversation in Vietnamese, you often use the greeting ‘Xin chào.’ It’s a common and polite way to say hello, no matter where you are or who you’re talking to. You pronounce it as ‘sin chow.’
Hello In Vietnamese: 27 Easy Ways You Should Know
Jul 24, 2023 · “Xin chào!” “Chào!” Generally speaking, you can use “Xin chào” or “Chào” to greet Vietnamese people in casual cases. It does not really sound natural to native Vietnamese, but they still appreciate that you put your effort into learning their language.
Translation of "Xin chào" into English - Glosbe Dictionary
Translation of "Xin chào" into English . Hello, Good Morning, hello are the top translations of "Xin chào" into English. Sample translated sentence: Xin chào, đây là phòng nhân sự phải không? ↔ Hello, is this the personnel department?
“Xin chào” & More Greetings In Vietnamese | Beelinguapp Blog
hello: xin chào (sin chow) hello: chào (chow) hello: hello (he-low) hey: ởi (oy) goodbye: tạm biệt (tam bee-et) good morning: chào buổi sáng (chow bwoy sahng) good afternoon: chào buổi chiều (chow bwoy chee-oo) good evening: chào buổi tối (chow bwoy toy) good night: chúc ngủ ngon (chook ngoo ngon) good night: ngủ ngon ...
Common Greetings and Farewells in Vietnamese
“Xin chào” (pronounced: sin chow) is the most basic and universally understood way to say “hello” in Vietnamese. It is appropriate for both formal and informal settings and can be used at any time of the day.