vba - running a macro from an add-in - Stack Overflow
Feb 7, 2016 · 3- Save as xlam file. 4- Open new Workbook. 5- Click Office Button -> Excel Options 6- Click the Add-Ins tab on the left. 7- At the bottom, next to the "Manage" dropdown, …
What is the difference between adding an .XLAM file as an Excel …
In Excel we can add an add-in via File - Options - Add-Ins - Excel Add-Ins - Go - Browse. This allows you to use UDFs stored inside the .xlam file. More specifically, if you click Alt-F11 to go …
xla vs xlam addin, what is the difference? - Stack Overflow
Oct 25, 2012 · The main difference is that XLAM cannot be opened in earlier office versions (Pre 2007). And hence when you are creating Add-Ins which has to be compatible with earlier …
excel - Store a workbook in a Xlam - Stack Overflow
Jul 20, 2015 · Different users store the workbook in different paths. So the above solution doesn't work. (Moreover, The user may not have the workbook) Does any one know a way to attach …
Automatically install excel VBA add-in - Stack Overflow
Aug 21, 2012 · Procedure: – Rename your XLAM file with .install.xlam – Open it and edit in Visual Basic Editor (VBE) – Add the following procedures to the “This workbook” section in VBE – …
excel - Can't edit or delete xlam add-in - Stack Overflow
Mar 10, 2019 · This will open up the .xlam file like its a normal excel workbook. Next, save as the file into you Add-ins path (C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIn) making …
vba - Excel Crashes When Accessing .xlam File - Stack Overflow
Oct 9, 2018 · I use an XLAM file to store a few subs for general spreadsheet purposes. The XLAM is added and checked in the VBA editor's references and has worked for 4+ months without …
How do i save code changes to an Excel VBA add-in?
Jul 5, 2020 · I 've have a button on Sheet1 of the .xlam file with the following code: Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = True ThisWorkbook.Saved = True End …
Saving an xlam file in the add-ins' directory - Stack Overflow
I've a xl add-in (.xlam file) which uses one of it's sheets to store data gathered from a UserForm. If Excel closes then I'd like this file to save itself in the add-ins directory. Currently here: …
How do I deploy a VBA Excel Add-In (foo.xlam) using an msi …
Procedure: – Rename your XLAM file with .install.xlam – Open it and edit in Visual Basic Editor (VBE) – Add the following procedures to the “This workbook” section in VBE – Save your file. …