What Is YAML? - IBM
Dec 11, 2023 · “YAML” is an acronym which stands for "YAML Ain't Markup Language" or "Yet Another Markup Language." The former is meant to underscore that the language is intended for data rather than documents. At its core, YAML is designed with simplicity and readability in mind.
How do I break a string in YAML over multiple lines?
Sep 6, 2016 · YAML makes wrong things look right - for example, an innocuous colon : within one string in a string array makes YAML interpret it as an array of objects. It violates the principle of least astonishment. –
What is the difference between YAML and JSON? - Stack Overflow
YAML is currently being used more for offline data processes. For example, it is included by default in the C-based OpenCV computer vision package, whereas JSON is not. You will find C libraries for both JSON and YAML. YAML's libraries tend to be newer, but I have had no trouble with them in the past. See for example Yaml-cpp.
什么是 YAML? - IBM
YAML 中使用空格(不是制表符,YAML 中禁止使用制表符)来表示层次结构和嵌套。由于 YAML 在结构上依赖缩进,因此在整个 YAML 文档中确保一致性非常重要。 换行 (Newline) 表示换行符,或 YAML 格式中的行尾,用于分隔不同的元素。
How to pass a variable into a YAML template parameter and use it …
Feb 15, 2025 · In your Main yml, $(filePath) is marco syntax which is executed in runtime, while template is expanded at compile time before runtime, you should use template expression ${{ variables.filePath }} so that the value can be passed to template.
If condition possible in yaml file? - Stack Overflow
Jan 15, 2019 · I suggest you read up on YAML (the specfication, the yaml.org website). 1) The recommended extension for YAML files has been .yaml since 2006. 2) You seem to be under the illusion that literal block style scalars are interpreted by YAML. There is nothing in the specification even hinting at that (what your program does is of course a different ...
Keep spaces with YAML - Stack Overflow
Aug 14, 2015 · I have this in my YAML file: test: I want spaces before this text In my case I would like to have a space before the text in my array or json when converted. Is that possible? How? With JSON as output it's parsed like this: { "test": "I want spaces before this …
if condition with "or" & "and" in yaml azure devops
Jun 24, 2021 · YAML mapping values are not allowed in this context. If the full YAML was shared then it could have been ...
Is it possible to do string substitution in YAML?
Nov 8, 2016 · YAML does however have a possibility to mark a node (in your case the list ['a', 'b', 'c'] with an ...
Get YAML for deployed Kubernetes services? - Stack Overflow
May 12, 2017 · Syntax for downloading yaml's from kubernetes. kubectl get [resource type] -n [namespace] [resource Name] -o yaml > [New file name] Create yaml file from running pod: kubectl get po -n nginx nginx-deployment-755cfc7dcf-5s7j8 -o yaml > podDetail.yaml; Create replicaset yaml file from running pod: kubectl get rs -n nginx -o yaml ...